The Blackout

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KiplyMyLove12's POV:

I got a notification on Twitch that Y/U/N was streaming. I just got back from a meeting so I decided to sit on my couch and watch their stream on my phone. They did their usual intro. After a couple of minutes I decided to make myself some Hot Chocolate. I heard a muffled voice coming from my phones speaker, “Okay, who should we challenge!”. I grabbed the Wispa powder out of the cabinet and placed it on the counter.

I listened to their stream as I finished making my hot chocolate. I sat down at the kitchen island and drank my hot chocolate. Y/N challenged Joey to a challenge to see who could find a diamond first.

Your POV:

I was sprinting towards a big ravine. I got out my water bucket and placed it on the ground just before I did. Soon I heard the robotic voice of a donation.

Who do you think will find a diamond first?🫶

I didn't hesitate to respond, “Obviously it will be me. Look, I'm in a ravine- And there's a mineshaft!” I exclaimed in shock. I sprinted over to the wooden entrance of the mineshaft. “Okay, I should find at least one diamond here.”

I checked every single chest but to my dissapointment, there was no diamonds. “Uggghhh, Joey will definitely win now.” I said as I walked out of the mine, eating a raw pork chop. I continued to search even though I knew that I was going to lose. Soon I saw the message in chat. “I knew it.” We got back into vc.

“I got a diamond!” Joey said with a happy tone. I nodded, turning to look at my facecam. “At least one of us is smiling.” I stared dead into the camera lens.

“Now you have to help me replace an entire forest of trees with dirt and cobble. Use cobble as the wood and we should use dirt as the leafs.” I nodded along to every word that Joey said.

User009's POV:

I was sitting on my bed watching Y/N's stream. All of a sudden it ended. “Uh- what-?” I was so confused, the stream had ended.

KiplyMyLove12's POV:

It ended, the stream had completely ended. “What just happened?” I asked as I finished cleaning my cup.

Your POV:

My monitors had turned off and so had my PC. “What the hell?” It was dark without the light coming from the screens. “I should turn on the light.” I got up from my comfortable Gaming chair to turn on the light but to my dissapointment it wouldn't turn on. “Oh god, did the power go out?” I made my way to the outside of my house and found myself met with a completely untouched power box. “Yup, my power just went out.” I gave a heavy sigh before walking back inside of my house.

I quickly tweeted about how my power went out and that I'd stream the next day to make up for it. The tweet quickly gained likes, comments and retweets. I obviously had to tweet it on my phone as my power had went out. I played a couple of games on my phone before going over to my neighbors house. I knocked on their door and a woman answered. She looked to be in his mid thirties. “Hello sweetheart, you're our neighbor, right?” She asked as she tilted her head. I nodded. “I know that you're going to ask about the power. My husband and I were watching a movie when it went out. A couple of others have asked too, it's a neighbourhood problem.” I nodded along to every word she said.

Once she closed the door I walked back into my house and sat down on the couch. “Luckily for me I was supposed to go shopping today so I have nothing in my fridge and freezer.” I chuckled as I spoke. I wanted to call Kiply and so I did.

After spending 10 minutes talking to Kiply the living room light flickered and turned on. I soon ended the call and turned everything off and on again to make sure that everything was working. I decided to turn everything off and go to ASDA to get my shopping.

KiplyMyLove12s POV:
(it took me way to long to write POV instead of OOV)

Y/N had just tweeted about a blackout in their area. I sat down on my bed and read the tweet. “At least they're going to be streaming tomorrow.” As those words left my mouth Kiply uploaded a new video. I saw the notification at the top of my screen and clicked on it straight away. As soon as I clicked on the video I clicked the like button and left a comment.

The comment:

KiplyMyLove12: Hi Kiply! I love your videos💜


Your POV:

I quickly told Joey what happened and that I wasn't trying to avoid the forest task. He said it was alright and I logged into the SMP. Joey and I met up at spawn and he took me to the selected woods. There were so many trees.

It took us thirty minutes to get twenty of the trees swapped. We kept on running out of cobble. “We should have just gotten a stack of cobblestone.” I complain as Joey agrees.

After an hour we had finished with swapping the trees. “Thank god it's over!” I said while leaning back in my gaming chair. Soon after us, Kiply joined the server. We all got into a vc and Kiply shared her idea to take Lauren's purple block collection. “Kiply, I think that's a bad idea. Lauren would go mental.” I said, careful to not say anything stupid.

We decided on spinning a "Yes, No" wheel. I quickly opened one on Google and clicked the spin button. “Be honest with what it says.” Kiply said in a stern voice before bursting out with laughter. It landed on Yes, just as I'd spent the last minute dreading.


This chapter came out a couple of hours later than I said. I am so, so sorry! I'll try my best to make a new chapter every day. I've got to focus on getting my homework done and studying for an upcoming test. I hope that you understand.


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