Chapter 2: The villain queen (2)

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In order to prevent accidental rebirth, Song Xuyi closed the door as soon as he returned to the Song family mansion, and received the body memory.

Perhaps it was because Yuanshen was the only girl of the Song family's generation, and Yuanshen was regarded as a favorite of thousands of people in the Song family. Unlike the two elder brothers who are told to inherit the family business every day, the parents have much more relaxed requirements on the original body: they named the original body Song Xuyi, which means "allow all wishes", and hope that the original body will be happy and worry-free Grow without worry.

Growing up under such pampering education and the flattery of those around him, the original body's temperament inevitably grew crooked-now it was just a little willful, but later it became reckless: because of the crazy obsession with the villain Zhao Qingyu, after knowing Song Jun After liking Zhao Qingyu's news, the original body decided to let Zhao Qingyu marry into the Song family to become his nominal sister-in-law, and began to pick on the heroine Sun Wan everywhere.

Fortunately, things haven't developed to that point yet...

After receiving the body's memory, Song Xuyi sighed with complicated emotions.

She picked up the makeup remover, first removed the messy makeup on her face, revealing her lovely facial features, then she turned out the textbook, and saw various small portraits of Zhao Qingyu in the textbook , Thinking of the appearance of the original body frantically supporting Zhao Qingyu in his memory, Song Xuyi had a headache. After hesitating for a while, he finally found a box randomly and stuffed the portrait in it...

"Aren't you afraid of deviating from the human design?" The system popped up again.

Song Xuyi thought of a certain passage in the memory of the original body, his eyelashes trembled, and he shook his head: "They won't doubt it."

Since falling in love with Zhao Qingyu who participated in the draft competition three months ago, Yuanshen has done incredible things during this time:

For example, under the guise of his father, let all the employees of the Song Group vote for Zhao Qingyu, secretly drove the helicopter at home to the game site to support Zhao Qingyu, and used his pocket money to serve Zhao Qingyu as a sailor. The daily encouragement of being admitted to a good university" forced his company to develop cheating glasses...

All kinds of crazy behaviors of the original body finally became so crazy that even the parents of the Song family who doted on her the most couldn't stand it. For the first time in her life, she restricted her pocket money and sent a driver and bodyguards to keep an eye on her.

Therefore, according to the Song family's bottomless love for Song Xuyi, Song Xuyi didn't feel that his tossing would make the Song family feel strange.

What happened afterwards also confirmed Song Xuyi's guess.

After a while, the old butler knocked on the door and asked Song Xuyi to go down to eat. Seeing Song Xuyi after removing her messy makeup, the old butler didn't have any doubts as Song Xuyi expected, but looked at her with admiration: "Miss, how do you look at her?" She looks as beautiful as my wife when she was young..."

"Really?" Song Xuyi blinked and smiled, "I also hope that I will be as beautiful as my mother in thirty years."

The smile on the old housekeeper's face was stifled, and soon he put on a smile again, but he lowered his head and did not speak anymore, silently leading Song Xuyi downstairs.

During this time, the Song Group was cooperating with foreign countries on a big project. Song's father and mother went abroad, and the two elder brothers were also busy with their careers. Song Xuyi was the only one eating this meal.

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