Chapter 10: Villain Queen (10)

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Song Xuyi clenched his lower lip, feeling a little dazed.

She didn't think it was an insult to be compared to a cute kitten, but when Zhao Qingyu said this, Song Xuyi felt that it was wrong no matter what she thought, and she always felt that that nasty female villain was planning something in private.

But Song Xuyi didn't dare to ask Zhao Qingyu why he gave him this gift.

After all, there was still a **** lesson in front of him. He had only been disconnected from WeChat for a few days, and then the female villain came to school without saying a word. Song Xuyi really didn't want to experience this kind of experience again.

Thinking of Zhao Qingyu smiling charmingly at her in the dormitory during the day, Song Xuyi's cheeks still felt a little hot involuntarily.

She covered her face, took out the doll and kitten and put it on her desk cabinet, took a random photo and sent it to Zhao Qingyu: "It's so cute." She managed it.

Zhao Qingyu didn't reply on the other side, so he was probably busy, and Song Xuyi was so happy. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had been fooled, so he went to the library to continue reading unfinished medical books.

However, Song Xuyi forgot one thing - Zhao Qingyu passed the test, but the rest of the test was not so easy:

After Song Xuyi came back from the library, several roommates headed by Huang Juanjuan ushered in the interrogation. Several roommates surrounded Song Xuyi with extremely ambiguous smiles: "Xu Yi is really uninteresting, did he secretly have a boyfriend?"

The kitten on Song Xuyi's desk was so delicate and cute, which naturally attracted the attention of the roommates, and the "likeyou" on the kitten's neck was understood by the roommates as another meaning, and they all thought it was a confession to Song Xuyi.

"This is...a gift from a friend."

Song Xuyi regretted her negligence very much, and quickly took off the card hanging from the kitten's neck, and Song Xuyi's explanation was not believed by the roommates, and her shameful and angry expression made the roommates feel that it was fulfilled. No guesses: Song Xuyi must have a crush!

It's just that in the next few days, no matter how softly the roommates tried to make Song Xuyi say who she was with, the girls in the dormitory became even more curious.

Soon, Song Xuyi's birthday will be approaching.

Song's father and Song's mother are very fond of Song Xuyi's birthday every year, so naturally they will not let Song Xuyi celebrate his birthday at school.

There were rumors in the school that Song Xuyi studied hard to get a scholarship, but Song Xuyi dispelled the rumors with practical actions: Even though Song Xuyi always won the first place, Song Xuyi did not apply for any scholarships or bursaries, and Song's parents and Song's mother faintly heard about it. This kind of rumor deliberately made the old housekeeper in the family drive a mid-range car to the school to pick up Song Xuyi several times. The rumor about Song Xuyi's poverty was quickly dispelled, and the roommates could safely let Song Xuyi treat him.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or some reason, Zhao Qingyu's second movie has already started to be screened during this period.

This is a low-cost movie with a fast production cycle, and the shooting took less than half a year. The leaked trailer shows that Zhao Qingyu plays a killer in it.

In the trailer, Zhao Qingyu sometimes turns into a charming girl at a reception, sometimes she is a gentle and demure sister like a school girl next door, sometimes she walks in the darkness with long black hair and sharp eyes...

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