Chapter 41: Villain Poor Student (6)

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The end of the new year also means that Song Xuyi and He Siyu will be one year older during the new year.

Big red envelopes are not popular in the flower market during the Chinese New Year, they are just a symbolic expression of auspiciousness, but Song's father and Song mother gave Song Xuyi a large amount of red envelopes all at once on the grounds that he was absent from Song Xuyi's red envelopes for the past few years and wanted to compensate her. .

Brother Song and Song Han were not jealous and even secretly gave half of their New Year's money to Song Xuyi.

During this period of time, everyone has discovered that after returning, Song Xuyi has faded away from his childhood possessiveness and violent temper, and has become cute, smart and considerate. Talking about earning the first pot of gold in starting a business.

The Song family was not short of money. Thinking that this might be the sequelae of Song Xuyi's poverty in the village over the years, the family members felt more and more pity for her. The amount of pocket money given to Song Xuyi on weekdays was the most among the three siblings.

As for Song Xuyi's talk about wanting to start a business and become a rich generation, the family members thought it was just a joke and didn't take it to heart. After all, a little girl who just escaped from a mountain village and has no understanding of this era, what kind of waves can start a business create?

In March, the facade of Song Xuyi's website began to be erected. However, Song Xuyi couldn't think of a good name after thinking about it for a long time. He drew many names on the draft paper but was rejected by himself, and finally fell on He Siyu's shoulder in displeasure: "Sister Siyu, I want to create a platform." , on the platform, you only need to pay an extra postage to buy things from all over the country, which is convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving...Can you think of a name for me?"

Song Xuyi originally thought that He Siyu couldn't figure it out, so she just asked casually, but she underestimated her position in He Siyu's heart. Seeing Song Xuyi's sullen appearance, He Siyu felt very sad even though he knew that his level was not enough. Currently, he is only in the fourth grade of elementary school. Knowledge, but still insisted on answering Song Xuyi: "I learned a poem some time ago, called 'A confidant in the sea, a neighbor in the world', since your platform wants to let people from all over the world participate..."

He Siyu quietly raised his head and glanced at Song Xuyi: "Then call it 'Bi Neighboring Wangchao'?"


Song Xuyi glanced at He Siyu and stopped talking.

He Siyu knew that his education level was poor and his grades were not as good as Song Xuyi's, so he wasn't surprised even if he was denied, so he took Song Xuyi's hand and whispered comfort: "I'm just joking, Xu Yi, don't worry, you can't think about it right now. It doesn't matter if you come out, you are so powerful, I believe you will be able to come up with a satisfactory name in the future..."

However, before He Siyu finished speaking, Song Xuyi hugged her excitedly: "Siyu, this name is very good, it's called "Bining Wangchao"..."

Song Xuyi really thought that this name was very good, and she liked He Siyu's obedient appearance full of consideration for herself at this time, which gave her a great sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"System, have you seen it? Siyu will definitely grow into a good girl with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor!" Song Xuyi looked at He Siyu at this time, feeling extremely proud.

The system looked at the red mole under He Siyu's eyes with an unpredictable expression, and felt a little weird in his heart, but he didn't want to pour cold water on Song Xuyi when he was happy, so he answered vaguely: "Yes..."

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