Chapter 16: The villain queen (16)

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Starred in eight different types of dramas in four years.

This was Song Xuyi's request to Zhao Qingyu.

Song Xuyi knew that Zhao Qingyu was extremely picky about scripts. Eight plays in four years, excluding the time for screening scripts and necessary business activities, meant that Zhao Qingyu had to stay on the set almost all year round. Zhao Qingyu would definitely not be able to spare any time in these four years to deal with Song with all his strength. hansome.

On the other hand, different dramas represent different life experiences, different worlds and outlooks on life. Song Xuyi hopes that after experiencing these different roles, Zhao Qingyu can have a new understanding of life.

Song Jun's father is dead, and Song Jun's grandmother is also demented. Those who are sorry for Zhao Qingyu's mother and daughter have more or less had their retribution. Song Xuyi does not want Zhao Qingyu to spend the rest of his life in hatred.

Zhao Qingyu actually deserves a better life.

Maybe... There will be other turning points in these four years...

And in case Zhao Qingyu is still focused on revenge four years later, Song Xuyi will persuade her to compete fairly with Song Jun and not to play tricks behind the scenes, and the two will rely on their own abilities...

This is Song Xuyi's entire plan for Zhao Qingyu's future.


Zhao Qingyu was stunned for a moment when he saw the message from Song Xuyi.

Zhao Qingyu did not expect Song Xuyi to make such a request.

But after a while, Zhao Qingyu replied to Song Xuyi with "OK".

After starring in eight different dramas in four years, Zhao Qingyu naturally knows the intensity of the work.

But few people know that Zhao Qingyu actually likes acting.

The life of the crew is indeed very boring. There is no other way of entertainment except studying the script, and the day and night are turned upside down from time to time, which is a kind of torture for many people.

But it makes people remember her.

If Zhao Qingyu really can't live to be thirty years old, then the existence of these movies or TV series can prove that Zhao Qingyu has been to this world. Thirty or forty years later, some people will look at the past videos and sigh with emotion: "This There used to be actresses like Zhao Qingyu in the world..."

What's more - among the people who love their performance, there is Song Xuyi.

Zhao Qingyu actually understood that Song Xuyi just liked her face that fit her aesthetics, so when she was sick, Zhao Qingyu didn't even dare to see Song Xuyi, for fear that Song Xuyi would see her haggard and gloomy face.

"Eight plays in four years is actually good..."

Zhao Qingyu thought desperately and blissfully: "When watching these movies and TV shows, Song Xuyi's eyes will look at me. That kind of self is bright and dazzling, with the highlight of the character, which is Song Xuyi's favorite appearance."

"And what if she passed away, thirty or forty years later, in someone's mobile phone, in an old program on a movie channel... in many inadvertent moments, Song Xuyi can still see herself. She will think of her life There once appeared a woman named Zhao Qingyu, that woman promised her to make eight films in four years in the best years of her life..."

"But she will never know that that woman named Zhao Qingyu left traces in her life with such care and eagerness..."


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