Chapter 33: Villain Scientist (13)

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Song Xuyi found that Jiang Qianyu became very strange these days.

In the past, Jiang Qianyu never studied in the dormitory, but recently, when Song Xuyi returned to the dormitory, she would find Jiang Qianyu seriously looking at the optical brain.

Then Song Xuyi discovered that Jiang Qianyu began to peek at him from time to time, sometimes his eyes were inexplicably full of sadness, and sometimes Jiang Qianyu actually... blush when he looked at Song Xuyi?

This is so strange.

What's wrong with her?

What bothered Song Xuyi was that even the inhibitors couldn't control Jiang Qianyu's pheromones. Several times in the middle of the night, Song Xuyi suddenly woke up and the whole dormitory was filled with the strong smell of peaches that couldn't be dispelled. Song Xuyi had to panic Running into the bathroom and injecting myself with inhibitors...

Song Xuyi was a little suspicious that there was an accident in Jiang Qianyu's research. After thinking about it again and again, Song Xuyi finally decided to have a talk with Jiang Qianyu, so that he could enlighten Jiang Qianyu if she encountered difficulties.

"Is there something wrong with your body recently?" Facing Jiang Qianyu's confused eyes, Song Xuyi hesitated for a moment, but still euphemistically expressed his guess: "Your glands... seem to be a little uncomfortable lately in the middle of the night. control..."

Jiang Qianyu was taken aback for a moment, then her face slowly turned red, her eyes wandered and she lowered her head, not daring to meet Song Xuyi's gaze.

Maybe it's the reason that her life is no longer ups and downs recently, Jiang Qianyu's face is more bloody, she was born beautiful and delicate like a doll, and her temperament has become more and more mature recently, especially the red mole at the corner of her eye In Gu Panjian, she brought an unspeakable style to her original youthful temperament, which made people's hearts sway.

At this time, Song Xu Yi, after carefully looking at Jiang Qianyu, realized these changes in Jiang Qianyu's body, and his throat tightened involuntarily.

Song Xuyi turned his face away and blushed quietly.

"Why does she look more and more beautiful?" Song Xuyi and the system whispered.

It took a while for the system to reply hesitantly: "Maybe it's grown?"

In fact, it knows more than Song Xuyi. For example, it can clearly see that Jiang Qianyu is reading "How to Pursue and Pleasure Omega" and "How to Attract Your Sweetheart" and other books on the optical brain. With a change in attitude, the system can easily draw a certain conclusion.

But Song Xuyi didn't ask, and the system wouldn't take the initiative to say it. It just reminded Song Xuyi again: "Xuyi, the first rule of mission is "No dating."

Song Xuyi didn't hear the system's words clearly, because Jiang Qianyu had raised her head again at this time.

"Xu Yi, I'm fine." Jiang Qianyu's eyes contained emotions that Song Xuyi didn't understand. She bit her lower lip tightly and looked at Song Xuyi motionlessly: "Ruoruo... I mean, if there is someone who has caused dissatisfaction to you. The hurt to be redeemed, that person now realizes the mistake and wants to redeem it, will you...would you consider...forgiving her?"

After Jiang Qianyu realized her feelings for Song Xuyi, she tried her best to pursue Song Xuyi. She knew that she had flaws in dealing with others, so she began to look up related books. However, after reading the first book, Jiang Qianyu His scalding heart felt as if a scoop of cold water had been poured on it to cool him instantly: In the whole world, only he was the least likely to pursue Song Xuyi.

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