Chapter 4

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                                                      Peter Parker

Wanda and I make it to an abandoned warehouse near the east docks of New York. We are both in our suits and are scoping out the area from across the street on the roof of a building. Wanda looks over at me and says "you look good in your spiderman suit it's been a long time since I've seen you in it." I blush under my mask "yeah well, it's been a long time since I've seen you but I'm glad I'm here with you now." I look over at Wanda. She smiles at me and says "me too" "so what exactly are we doing here?" I ask "We are looking for some men from Hydra and from another unknown organization that are supposed to be here to do a weapons deal in that abandoned warehouse." Wanda points to the building across the street as she finishes her sentence. All of a sudden three cars drive into the abandoned warehouse.

I swing over to the roof of the warehouse Wanda uses her magic and flies over. We look through a hole in the roof of the warehouse and observe the weapons deal. I use my webs to slowly propel myself down. I look at the weapons dealers and say "what a wonderful night to deal some weapons wouldn't you say, gentlemen." The men quickly pull out their guns and just before they could shoot me I jump out of the way and Wanda jumps down through the hole in the roof blasting out a powerful hex when she hit the ground. Knocking all the weapons dealers onto the ground. I walk up to Wanda and say "why do always have to make it look so easy?" as Peter finishes his sentence one man is still conscious he aims the gun at Wanda and I quickly web his gun so he can't shoot it any more than I sidekick him and he goes flying into the back of a car knocking him unconscious.

                                                   Wanda Maximoff

I look over at Peter and say "thanks" he looks at me and says "yeah no problem just save some bad guys for me next time ok" he chuckles "yeah sure" and I chuckle as well. "We should get going" I suggest to Peter he nods his head and moves closer to me and holds out his left arm and says "may I?" I nod, and Peter wraps his arm around me and swings us to the roof of the building across the street. I think to myself as we swing over to the roof "I know I could've just used my magic to get to the roof but I like it when Peter is swinging me around."

We land on the roof and Peter looks at me and takes his mask off and says "well that was fun" I look at him and smile and say "yeah it was" Peter smiles and says "well I better get going I have school tomorrow make sure to tell Stark that the mission was a success." Peter starts running towards the other end of the roof preparing to swing away but before he could I stop him and say "wait Peter" Peter stops dead in his tracks and looks at me with a surprised look on his face and says "yeah" I hesitate to come up with the words "Coming here, to do this mission wasn't the only reason why I came to see you Peter" "what do you mean?"

Peter asks "I came here not only to do this mission." I walk up to Peter so that we are standing almost toe to toe and I continue to say "I came here because I never thanked you for getting me out of that prison, also because when we were on that roof afterwards I felt a connection with you and I wanted to bury those feelings but I..." Before I could finish my sentence Peter leans in and kisses me. A couple of seconds later Peter's lips part from mine we stare at each other and then Peter speaks and says "I like you too Wanda I also felt a connection that night but I didn't know if you felt the same way and I was too afraid of what the answer would be if I asked." I looked at Peter with a smile "well at least you have your answer now." He smiled at me and said"well I better get going aunt May is going to be so worried about me but I'll come to see you tomorrow" I look at him and say "Ok" I watch him as he swings away into the night sky.

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