Chapter Two.

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"JACOB GET BACK HERE!" I half yelled. I can't fully yell to begin with. So even if I tried, my voice was raspy. I looked over at Issabel, "What's his problem, and how is his aura changing colors?!"

She just shrugged her shoulders, and walked over to where everyone was. "Damn, what the fuck did I just watch happen?" I heard a voice beside me say, making me jump a bit. "Careful 'Mr. Carson' don't want you to hurt yourself there now, do we?"

I shook my head no, and looked up at the man beside me. "You know who I am... Who are you?" I asked him well, I smiled to be polite.

"Sebastian, my name is Sebastian," he replied, and smiled at me.

"Nice to meet Sebastian."

"I'm sorry to have scared you before. I just wanted to meet you properly," he spoke as I nodded, and walked over to my friends.

"You are welcome to stay in my body, Mr. Sebastian, but I will not be cleaning up after you in my household, and you are not allowed to control my body whenever you please." I spoke rather briskly. " Do not take care of grown men." Sebastian nodded, and disappeared into the shadows of the school.

I sighed. I was finally free to do what I wanted for the rest of my day, or so I thought. Soon lunch was over, and soon school was over as well. Zero, nor Sebastian bugged me. "I guess that they both left." I spoke out loud to myself as I walked out of the school alone, or so I thought that they both left.

I got to where my friends, and I planned to meet before we all headed home for the night. I gently put my bag down, as a little black wolf walked up to my leg. I tried to get them to leave, but they wouldn't stop rubbing against my leg.

I gently reached my hand out to pet the little wolf, but she quickly disappeared into mist as soon as I touched her head. Things were becoming weirder, and weirder every second. I stood up on top of the rock beside me, and looked up at the sky above. The clouds were a light gray color.

"Lovely day isn't it Miss," a little kid spoke. I nodded, and looked down to see no one around.

"I'm going fucking crazy!" I half yelled to myself, or so I thought.

"Why are you going crazy?" Issabel asked, walking up in front of me.

"Does it really matter? I snored, making us both start to laugh. "We all need mental help anyways."

"Huh?" Was the next thing we both heard from behind us. Zack stood a few inches out of reach from my hand, and his face. This guy decided to date me, and break up with me over text after I went away for the summer. Might I add it was over the week that I was at my cousins house, and then we got back together a week after.

Zack may be an asshole most of the time, but he at least put an effort into our relationship. Even if he isn't my forever man, he still was the one that cared the most about me. So far we have been together for about nine months now, and Zack understands that I don't have a phone so I'm rarely able to message him outside of school, but we are making it work together.

Zack gently kissed my lips, and I gently kissed back. Once we broke our kiss, I looked over at Issabel who had a look on her face. I hate when she gives me that look. She only gives it when she's hurt, or annoyed. Both of which are normally pointed at me. I looked away so she couldn't see into my eyes, and ask me if something was wrong.

The three of us stood waiting for Tyler, Rosaline, and Jacob to get out of the school. One after the other, the three of them walked out of the school. "Must be fucking fun doing whatever class you guys have." I snored, and Jacob apparently didn't like that from me.

"Watch what you fucking say," he snapped. I stood there, like a deer in headlights. Jacob never swears, but he just did. I looked around at the others in our friend group. Hoping I wasn't the only one that heard him say that. Though no one seemed to be bothered by the fact that Jacob just swore.

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