Chapter Nine.

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A few hours later I woke up on our couch in the mind space. Our mindspace is pretty big, with 270 bedrooms, 30 washrooms, and a few other rooms too. Seeing as our mindspace is connected to the spirit realm it has to be.

I stood up, falling onto my knees right away. "Are you alright puppy?" A female voice said in front of me, so I looked up to see her face. She had blond hair, with her hourglass like body, blue-ish green eyes, and rosey red lips. She held her hand out, and looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Puppy?"

"It's alpha to you..." I mumbled, "I can smell that you're an omega..." I looked at her, and gently took her hand. I'm not the mean, if someone is offering something in my mindspace I tend to take the help. Though something about this woman was... odd. An omega had never worried about me before, but this halfblood, she seemed different.

She helped me up after I placed my hand in hers. The paleness of her skin looked like snow compared to mine. Her hair much, much longer than mine. I cut my hair regularly, yet her's went down a long way, almost to her waist. I looked into her eyes, and they looked like my birth stone. My heart felt light, as if pounds of heartbreak had been lifted off.

"Thank you..." I mumbled, looking away quite fast, taking my hand away at the same time.

"No problem puppy." She said, her voice calm and soft. A few moments past before either of talked.

"So what's your name?" We both said at that same time, causing us to laugh. Her laugh sounded sweet. I felt like I could almost get lost in this woman's voice. "I'm Eliza, or Elizabeth Baker." She chuckled after saying her last name.

"I'm Blue Carson..." I smiled. I felt shy, but I don't know why. I'm normally the first to talk, and say my name. Yet I couldn't bring myself to talk with this girl. She didn't ask me for sex, she didn't make me uncomfortable. Instead she asked me if I'm alright. She checked in on me.

I felt safe for the first time well having D.I.D. I felt loved...

"I'll help Matteo with dinner. Anything you want special?" Eliza said, her smile bright when she looked at me after asking.

I thought for a moment. All my brain could think of was the woman. My mind started to have dirty thoughts. "I- oh uh, no." I replied after a few minutes.

"Alright just checking." Elizabeth said before walking to the kitchen.

I sighed, and tried to relax my mind. Which wasn't apparently going to happen. I walked to my room, my tail swaying gently behind me. I opened my door, walked in, and closed it behind me. I lend against it and thought to myself.

'She's beautiful.. No. Get it together Blue. You are an alpha. You don't have time to fool around with others....' I don't know what was going on with my mind.. I felt.. different? I knew for sure that I was taken, but to fall in love with another person so soon? It's not out of the ordinary.

I fall in love quite quickly. I don't understand why. Then again, in my household we rarely talked about relationships or anything sexual. It's not that we didn't feel comfortable talking about it, nor that we didn't know about it. Just over the years I've been alive it's gotten, old, for a lack of better words.

I always have thought that I'm pansexual or bisexual.

I walked over to my bed, and sat down. Turning on my phone, and opened Google. I was iffy about this.. yet today I for some reason felt confident. As if I knew I was actually right about something for once.

I looked on Google for a few hours, until I finally found something...

'Polyamorous?' I thought to myself. I scrolled down more. Sure enough it was true. I was polymorous...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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