Chapter Three.

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Right smacked into a poor guy. "Oh shit! I'm so fucking sorry sir." I spoke, looking up at the man. He had tanned skin, and dark brown hair.

"It's alright Cy," he smiled, wiping off the candle wax that I'd gotten onto his shirt. "Not the first time I've got candle wax on a white shirt."

I smirked, and thought to myself. 'This man seems cute, and respectful.' "What's your name?" I asked politely, "I'm Blue." I put my hand out to shake his. Instead he grabbed my hand gently, and kissed the top of it.

"My name is Elijah, Elijah Crason." I giggled at that. "What's so funny?"

"That's my last name I picked for myself to change when I'm older."

Elijah smiled at that, and gently pulled me into his chest. "You are a very beautiful young lady, Blue."

"Thank you, Sir Carson."

"May I ask you why you are back?" He spoke gently, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "You normally don't come back here in your memories."

"Memories?" I questioned him. "I thought I was just dreaming."

"In a way, you are dreaming," he replied, smiling as he continued. "Only you are dreaming about the part you lived."

"Lived?" I looked up at Elijah, and gently pulled away from his hug. "I don't even know where this place is. Only that there was King Arthur from Camelot here once."

Elijah smiled, and held his hands together behind his back. "This is Camelot, my dearest Blue."

I blinked a few times. Camelot? The Camelot in all the books? That's impossible for me to have been. I've never been outside of where I live. How on earth would I have been able to go to where Camelot stood years ago? "That's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. It's just like Merlin says." Elijah smiled, "It's unexpected."

I giggled. I love the way people in the old days spoke. Everything was easier to understand for me. I also love the accent that people used to have. I started to spin in circles, and smiled brighter than before.

"What are you doing?"

"Dancing. Want to join?" I held my hand out to him as I asked. Elijah half smiled, and took me hand. "I'm not very good at it. So, you might want to watch where my feet are." I joked.

"How about I show you how to dance?" I nodded as Elijah took my hands and placed one on his neck, taking the other in his hand. He gently placed one of his hands on my waist, still holding hands with our free hands. I smiled up at him as he gently pulled me closer to him. He started dancing in, and out in an olden waltz dance.

"Elijah..." I looked down at the ground as we continued to dance.

"Yes dearest Blue?"

"What are we?"

"Why, we are best friends." He spoke with happiness in his voice. The kind that a little kid has when you give them candy. "As long as you want to be, that is."

I slowed, looked up, and into Elijah's eyes. "I'd like that very much."

The room started to get fuzzy once again. Darkness filled the room. I began calling out for Elijah, but no response came. I started crying, my face became wetter, and wetter as the room became fully black. I then heard a voice. A female one. Only I knew this voice far too well.

"Blue! Get up, and get out of bed!" I slowly got up as the blackness of the room faded. "Finally! I've been trying to get you awake for twenty minutes. Dinner is ready, but you can't eat until you walk the dog."

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