Chapter Five

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I felt my cheeks begin to grow cold, and become wet. I couldn't see color anywhere around me. I sat on a gray floor black walls covered around the room. The room was covered head to toe in pillows. I felt off.

I stood up, and looked around the pillowed room, until I realized a voice on the other side of the room door. I slowly walked over to the door, and felt oddly off. I felt a rush of heat throughout my body. I looked out the window, and saw two men talking to each other. One older, and one younger.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but once they finished talking the younger male walked over to the door. I looked away from the window to make sure that it didn't seem like I was spying on them. The man slowly opened the door, and walked inside.

"You're awake..." He spoke, I could see him shake. He was fairly tall, about six feet, or taller. His hair was a brown color, and his eyes were an icy blue. "I won't hurt you. The others might, but I won't."

I slowly backed away from the man, and smacked my back on the wall. " Who are you?" I stuttered.

"My name is Emon. I'm a doctor in this facility." He smiled, and held his hand out to me. "Don't be scared of me, little devil."

Little devil? That was new, I've never been called a little devil before. "Very easy pass. I don't know you, and I sure as fuck don't know why I should trust your ass."

He laughed, and smirked. "Feisty little devil." I felt a shiver run down my spine. This man was creepy, and I didn't like that I could feel that I should find a way out of this place. "We'll fix that, little devil. No one feisty will be left in you after this."

I blinded a few times before I realized that he grabbed my arm. He pulled me into his arms, and lowered his voice to a whisper so that I could just barely hear him. "You will get your gift shortly." I felt another shiver run down my spine. I felt my cheeks begin to become wet again.

Emon, the man, took me out of the pillowed down room, and walked me down into a different room. The room wasn't that dark, but it was fairly dark. Only moon light was in the room through the only window in the room. Bottles of colored liquids ran all over the room. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Emon sat me down on a chair, and walked over to one of the tables with some green, red, and blue bottled liquids on it. I tried to see what he was doing, but I couldn't make it out fully because of how dark the room really was.

Emon turned around with a needle in his hand. "I have to put this into your body. I'll only hurt for a minute." Emon gently grabbed my hand, and pulled my arm away from my body. I felt good, not the happy good. The awkward good that I only feel around others that I feel safe around. I felt a little pinch as he stuck the needle into a spot on my arm. "All done little devil." Emon said as he walked back over to the table. "How's Matteo, and your..." He paused.

"My what, and how do you know about Zero?" I felt the hair on my neck stand up. My body began to heat up, it felt like I was sitting in a Sona. I felt the chair burning underneath me. I stood up out of my chair. Emon turned around, and gently kissed me on the lips. I blinked a few times, and Emon disappeared from in front of me. The sun felt warm on my face as I slowly opened my eyes to see Issabel in front of me with a hand on my knee.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her face covered with a worried look. "I got here a few minutes ago, and you haven't moved at all."

"I'm alright. I just didn't sleep very well last night." I lied. I wasn't fully ready to tell anyone about what I've been seeing. People already think I'm crazy, I don't want them to think of me as someone that ran away from a mental hospital. Though my parents had told me that they would send me away to one before.

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