Chapter Six

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I slowly stood up as Issabel walked up the hill beside us. I wasn't going to tell her anything about the whole me seeing things about Elijah, or about Emon now. I never fully trust Issabel, sure she's my best friend. She has been for the past for years, but she always tells Jacob everything that I tell her. I hate it, and the only reason I know that she does that is because she never logged out of her accounts on Instagram on the phone she gives me for school.

The first time I went on it was last year. I remember telling her about my feelings for some guy, and I told her not to tell anyone. Yet as normal, she told Jacob. God I just want to squeeze her neck until my hands are covered in blood. She drives me mad. Every little thing I say goes back to Jacob, as if he is some royal bitch.

"Blue!" I heard a voice beside me, and turned to see Zack walking over with his skateboard. Jesus Christ, he loves his skateboards, and cars. No matter what I say, or try doing he always brings up cars, and skateboards. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it. Though after you start to lose feelings for your boyfriend because of only hearing about his day, or other things he's been up to.

It's rarely that it's about me. Though I don't like talking about myself, but It would be nice to talk about myself for once. Zack put his backpack down, and walked over to me as he pulled me down a bit by my neck. God I may have a pain kink, but we are at school. I don't fully want to be in a school washroom touching myself. Heck I don't want to touch my body at all. I hate everything about it, even if I look like I really do love my body.

As Zack kissed my lips, I felt a gentle pull on my arm. I looked beside me to see who it was. Just as I thought, no one was there. I let Al, my body's robot, take over seeing as Zero was still dead asleep. I quickly went into spirit, and looked around for a bit before I felt hungry. With no luck at seeing who tugged on my arm I quickly took over my body again before someone realized it wasn't me, or Zero.

Thankfully when I re-entered my body no one seemed to realize. Which hurt, but at least I wasn't going to answer questions about Zero, who I really are. In which I hate the thought of even doing. Zero wants me to open my shell. I on the other hand don't want anyone to know about him, and I want to hide him as long as I can.

Zero is the type of person that sees everything as a good thing. He's also the person that likes to show off how he looks. Hends why I'm always wearing some sort of nice clothes. Me? Well I'm completely different. I hate girl clothes, and heels. I hate wearing makeup because I have no reason to wear makeup due to how ugly I look.

Honestly, who would ever look over at the fat girl that is known to pee on kids? That's a whole other story. When I was younger I had a little body problem. I would go to the washroom about half an hour before lunch, but I would pee my pants once a week even when I didn't need to a minute before I peed my pants. The one time this happened once well I was getting called 'Mrs. Piggy' on the soccer field. Four mid-height year old boys were making fun of me because of my weight.

I remember this one boy, Liam, decided to throw a few punches at my face. One of the punches hit my cheek. Which was when Zero took over, and somehow got the kid on the ground. I took control of my body, and that's when it happened. I peed well sitting on top of Liam well on the school soccer field. Ever since that day I've been known as 'Pee Pants Cy'. Amazing name right?

I walked over to the stairs, and sat on them. I honestly felt like throwing up, but I couldn't stay home. My parents would never let me stay home alone if they are at work. I wish I could stay home though. From whatever was happening to me, to me slowly getting sick was something crazy in itself. I very rarely get sick. I think the last time I was rarely sick I was about eight. I was throwing up everything. Including water.

I laid my back on the ground, and felt like falling asleep. I hadn't slept well last night because of me seeing Elijah, and falling asleep before dinner. I didn't eat breakfast, nor did I eat much dinner last night. My body just didn't let me, and I'm not about to force my body to eat food that I'll most likely throw up later anyways.

I had my eyes closed, but the sun was out, and shining on my face, warming it up. I slowly let myself start to sleep, that was until a shadow covered over top of my face. I opened one of my eyes to see Jacob, and Issabel standing over top of me. "What?" I asked, looking Jacob in his eyes.

"We are worried about you. You are never laying down, and you are always so happy." He muttered just enough for me to hear.

"And?" I snapped, sitting back up.

"Blue, we know that you aren't Zero. Though we are still your friends. We care about you too." Issabel said, crossing her arms. "Just tell us what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just tired. Nothing more." I snapped standing up, and walking back over to the door, and grabbing my backpack, along with the phone Issabel gives me so I can talk with my friends well in class, and on break.

I watched Issabel, and Jacob out of the corner of my eye. They just stood there talking with each other, and kept looking over at me. 'God I fucking hate them. They are always in my beeswax.' I thought to myself, and quietly walked past my boyfriend, and other friends that were there.

"Babe, is something wrong?" Zack asked, walking up behind me. "You seem upset."

"I'm fine Zack..." I paused, and looked at him. 'God he's fucking short.' I thought to myself before I kissed his lips gently. "I'll message you in class."

"Alright. I love you babe." He smiled at me.

"Love you too." I yelled back as I walked up the stairs, slowly making my way to my classroom. My head was pounding, and my legs felt weak. I felt like falling to the ground, and without warning my legs gave out. I fell onto the ground, and my heart felt tight. I closed my eyes, only feeling pain as my chest became tighter, and tighter.

I felt my cheeks become wet without realizing that I was crying. I felt like passing out, but I just laid there on the dirty school floor. I felt cold. My whole body felt a gust of cold air making me shiver. "What is happening to me!" I half yelled, under my breath. I watched as Zero took over my body, and sat me on the couch in our house in the spirit realm.

"Stay. You shouldn't be sick well in the body." He said with his odd Spanish accent. I was always so happy to have Zero, for the most part that is. He can be an ass so much, but he's my father that I never truly had growing up. Only he's been around since I was born. I laid on the couch as Zero walked my body to class, and did the school work for me. As well as messaged my friends, and boyfriend without making them know about him so much.

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