Chapter 40 - We are back!

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That did not just happen right now!

The whole freaking place is on fire.

"God! Get out, all of you, this house is on fire," I shouted and alarmed everyone. The bodyguards did their job right while helping all of us escape the place.

"Wait, aren't the weird girls still inside?" Jin said, panicking.

Shit. They are!

As I looked towards the bodyguards, they knew what to do. Once again jumping the fearless fire, they somehow managed to help them escape too. Thank god we all are safe.

"Are you guys okay?" Hobi asked in concern.

"Ah, y-yes, I guess we are. It is just how Amiera is..." The pink-haired girl, Helen, said. I guess Hobi Hyung had a little crush on her. She is a little weird, but she looks cute. Aish, this is not the time. Wait, did she just say it was the red-haired girl Amiera? Are they telling the truth?

"Wait, so you mean, you actually did this? The fire?" I asked to be sure I heard right.

Her hands seemed a little burned as she hissed, but her eyes were still bold. Wah, this girl...

"Yes, as I said, I can manipulate the fire. Now you believe me?" She asked with a proud smirk. I wonder what they're for? I mean, you literally burned the house down, and you're proud of that?

But then, how can one create fire? Is this some sort of joke?

"I still don't believe you," Jin said, and that did not please the girls.

"What? What did you say?" The white-haired girl almost charged him as he stepped back. She actually looks dangerous!

"I-I mean, can you do it once again?" He stuttered, and I chuckled silently.

Now we stood watching them do some sort of yoga pose, which we had never seen before. They say these are how they can bring the magic. Puft.

We waited longer than we should have, but nothing happened.

"What happened?" Jimin mocked a little, but he made sure to keep a safe distance from them. The first encounter was not good for him.

"Wait, I lost it once again. How can this be possible?" Amiera began to try a few more times. I sighed in frustration as I was literally tired. Today was supposed to be a good celebration day; instead, we all got stuck in this mess.

I was not sure what our manager and Bang PD nim would say when they heard all this. I walked off to one of the bodyguards and asked him to check what was the actual reason for the fire. If they were con artists, in reality, we have to hand them over to the police.

Soon he came back. "Sir, we didn't find any evidence of what the actual cause of the fire is. But what I think is that they are really con artists. I think we must hand them over to the police now." He suggested. He was right, though.

No matter what, the law will handle the rest. If JK really did any fault, I know him; he will never step back for the punishment. But somewhere I was also feeling bad for them. It was the new year, and I had to hand them over to the police.

There was no way we could believe their story, but somewhere I can also feel they are telling the truth. But how can this even be possible? I don't know who you guys are. I hope you all have a good life now and leave conning people.


All this time, I was just watching. What the hell is going on? Am I too drunk, or am I just dreaming? Anyway, I just want to go back to sleep now. Away from all these stupid shits. I know Namjoon will handle all this.

To be honest, they look like some gipsy. But who cares.



We came back to our apartments in Seoul. Thankfully, we slept off what happened last night. It was tiring and clumsy as hell. Thankfully, we are all safe now and back at home. They really looked dangerous. Although we debated the whole ride about how the house got on fire, we never found any logic behind it. It was so sudden.

I wonder how the girls are these days. Just trying to get attention. At least Namjoon did the right thing by handing them over to the police.

"Ya, Jungkookie? Taehyungie? What do you guys wanna eat?" I almost shouted to ask them as they were laughing and giggling in the TV room. Aish, these kids. It was almost 12, and nobody had breakfast yet. Hobi and Jimin joined them a few seconds back, and they all yelled back "Kimchi Jjigae."

Ah yes, I remember I told them I would make them Kimchi Jjigae in the new year, but nothing happened as planned. Whatever, now that we are all here, I must make them Kimchi Jjigae.

"Okay," I replied with a smile.

I began to prepare and cook Kimchi Jjigae for them as they are all giggling and laughing once again. I just want to see the smile on their faces anyway.

"What are you making this morning?" Yoongi said while coming out like a caterpillar. He had his blanket all over him, and I guess he was still half asleep.

"Kimchi Jjigae," I replied with a smile. "Come join us for breakfast," I offered, and luckily this time he didn't deny it. I know who can deny my tasty Kimchi Jjigae?

I plated all the breakfast on the table when they all settled into eating.

"Woah, Jin, it looks so tasty," Hobi complimented.

"Ya, Jin Hyung, really, it looks so tasty," Jimin smiled while smelling the dish. Aish, these kids are too adorable.

I smiled, being all shy at their compliments. Well, it's not that I don't get it all the time, but I do like to get it all the time. Haha, I know, lame. But well, that's me. The WWH. What can't he do?

"Ya, wait, where is Namjoon?" I asked suddenly noticing I haven't seen him this morning. Is he sleeping till now? But he never sleeps this late. I guess he is just exhausted. "Is he still sleeping? Well, someone Ppalli (quickly) go and call him for breakfast. I made some for him too," I said while taking a bit of the noodle.

"But Namjoonie Hyung is not in his room," JK said while munching on his food cutely.

"What? Where is he then?" I asked, being all concerned. Is he alright? Did he get called by the managers and PD Nim for yesterday? Oh gosh.

But before I could assume anything, I saw him walking in. I smiled and sighed in relief. "Oh, there he is. Namjoonie, ppalliwa (Come quickly)."

But wait, why is his mood down?

We all kept looking at him, hoping to get the answer to why he was so down, but he didn't have to say anything when we all saw those weird girls from last night entering the house along with him.

"What the hell? Why are they here again?" I yelled in anger. But instead, Namjoon just stood silently. "Namjoon, reply to me. Why are they here? Did they bully you too?" I asked while glaring at them for a second, but they were really unbothered. Aish.

"Hyung? What happened? Will you say anything?" Jimin questioned impatiently, just like me.

Finally, Namjoon looked up at us and sighed before saying, "Well, they are living with us now!"

"WHAT?" We all six questioned in shock, looking at their smirking faces.


Well, this is my first time writing fanfic. So I wanted this to be all in one. I am open to constructive criticism. Please let me know your suggestions. And don't forget to just tap the little star if you like this chapter. 


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