Chapter-5A: ... and the tensions rose...

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-Wolvenshire, Central Militazired Zone, Sorathian Empire.-

Barely an hour after meeting with the royalties, the chancellor as well as the top military heads and ministers found themselves in the War Room once again. This time, to assess the combat situation in the South-eastern border. And once again, the War Room became chaotically organized, with staffs and personnels bringing in files and such into and out of the room. 

Along with them came the twin royalties, who wanted to see how their chain of command works. What caught them off guard was how overwhelming the chain was. 

On the table, the map of the Sorathian Empire was littered with blocks with numbers written on them, signifying divisions, platoons, companies, brigades, squadrons, fleet groups and fleet divisions all within and around the map, with the Land part being littered the most while the seas were a bit sparse. 

"Your Highnesses. Forgive me but could you help us with this situation?" The Chancellor asked if he looked at the photographs from yesterday when the Bird's Eye had encountered some "dragons" which caused some claw damage on it. 

The Prince and Princess both walked up to the table, confused as to why they were called upon by them for help. Even more so when previously, General Jaeger had said that they were no longer in their world. The Princess, who had been reading a lot more about ancient histories and fabled legend than her brother, noted the vague similarities between this and the First Dragon of Luetoc, the Jarillian Union. Both claimed, although subtly for the Sorathian Empire's case, that they were transferred from their world to here. 

That thought, however, was all gone by the time they looked at the pictures with such clarity that rivaled even the best artist in the Fourth Civilization Zone. As they skimmed over a series of photographs neatly laid around, it was two of them that caught their attention the most. 

"The Bilissian Imperium?" Solomon muttered as he looked at the photograph of the flag. 

Nelson thought he had heard something from Solomon. "Pardon?"

"The Bilissian Imperium." Solomon repeated before explaining a short detail about them. "They are one of the Eight Giants of Luetoc. Known worldwide for their arrogant attitude towards those who they saw as 'barbarians' and 'heretics' to their ways and culture, they were a rather boastful superpower of Luetoc, and also the richest of all local powers in the Fourth Civilization Zones. For decades, they had been planning on colonizing the entire Land of Crystals all for themselves to monopolize on Mana Crystal Trades. Thanks to the Third Civilization Zone's twin Superpowers intervening in their plans, that plan never materialized for now. Rumors had it that they were quietly building up arms to take the entire Land of Crystals as of recently. While not yet mobilizing, we, the Milikathian Kingdom as a whole, fear that it might happen as they had been eyeing on us as their next potential target of interest should they finish colonizing the Land."

To Nelson, this was a serious business to deal with. Without any justification, they, the Sorathian Empire and the Bilissian Imperium as a whole, had started a small but seriously misunderstood conflict between them. But at the same time, they could become a serious threat to their territories. 

"Then you could explain about this dragon that damaged one of our reconnaissance planes." Air Marshall Travis then showed the twin royalties a picture of a dragon with a human being riding on it. 

"That's not a dragon." Solomon corrected. "But rather a Wyvern. More specifically, the Bronze Wyvern. The Bilissian Imperium has up to around three hundred of them, though the exact number is still unknown due to the Bilissians being so secretive about their air power."

"Wait." The Air Marshall was clearly confused. "Air power? They have air force of their own?"

Solomon nodded. "They do. However, only those with enough money and proper infrastructure can breed these beasts to keep their skies protected. The kingdom I came from, the Milikathian Kingdom, have such Wyverns, though of weaker breeds than a Bronze Wyvern."

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