Chapter-4: A spark of Conflict...

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-The Mansion, Rockbourn, Sorathian Empire-

-7:15 AM, 15th August, 1949(?)-

"It's going to be a long day, again." Nelson muttered as he read the newspaper with the headlines saying about the populace slowly noticing that foreign products were slowly having their pricing rising up.

This did not look good. If foreign products were no longer entering the Empire, prices would rise and demand would increase, and thus, the Sorathian populace would notice something had gone wrong. The last thing Nelson wanted to deal with would be riots and public unrest, including unnecessary mass-hoarding in preparation of the supposed "doomsday scenario".

His thought was interrupted when his wife placed his breakfast on the table. "Dear. Are you coming to Angela's school party?"

"I have to go to the Wolvenshire, Abigail." He replied as he placed the newspaper down to start eating his breakfast.

"What you need is a day off, dear." she replied to him as she poured black coffee into his mug. "You looked stressed out today."

Nelson simply sighed as he knew that his wife did not know about it yet. Well, he thought, it's now or never.

"Sorathian Empire has been facing some kind of crisis since yesterday. Crisis that the people had not yet known of." He replied grimly. "We lost contact with our allies and our supplier of oversea products and resources. It's only a matter of time before the people of the Empire know about this as prices of these products slowly drive up." He then looked at his wife. "The last thing I want is the Empire being impoverished of all the products that it needs to keep its economy running. If we don't do this as soon as possible, we might end up having the Great Market Crash once again."

The Great Market Crash was one that literally and suddenly plunged the global market down into drain after a serious miscalculation of the price of the products in Sorathian Empire and elsewhere. Due to this, domino effect came to play, with companies gone bankrupt and had to close down to pay their due, people gone homeless and jobless, even the word finance became meaningless to them. Learning their lessons, the Sorathian Empire and the economy of Atlas was placed back on track. However, scars left behind by the Great Market Crash can still be seen.

Nelson feared that should this crisis go on, a market crash far worse than the Great Market Crash might occur. And he, the Minister of Trade, and the Minister of Finance all worked hard to keep the economy afloat.

His wife then looked at him with confusion. The Empire lost its allies and foreign trade routes?

Before she could continue on, a doorbell rang. On instinct, Abigail stood up and walked up to the door and opened it, only to see a gentleman wearing a long black coat with a hat, a pair of brown leather gloves, and a pair of leather shoes,

"Good morning sir. How can I help you?"

"Morning, ma'am." he answered. "Is Chancellor Nelson in here?"

"Oh sure and please come inside, I'll call him in." She replied as she allowed him inside of the Mansion. She then went to the kitchen to have Nelson be notified about his visitor.

"Is he?" He asked as he was never expecting any visitors at this time. He then stood up and walked towards the living room where his visitor was in.

Just after turning around the corner, he then recognized the same face he had known since his beginning of his career as a chancellor.

"General Busch." He then walked up to him and shook his hand. "To what do I owe a pleasure to see you at this time of day?"

"It's about the Northern Border Guards." he replied as he returned the handshake.

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