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Bob's Pov:

(In the dream)

"Are you really looking for a way to escape? again? dude they caught you twice already",
"and those two times i killed so many people, don't underestimate me you fat asshole" i said as i traced the prison map on the floor with a stick of the cell.
"Careful how you talk, and you too are quite fat man" I got up menacingly I approached my two cell mates:
I had never seen their faces nor did I know their names, one was tall and thin and the other was short and fat.

"Bob come on we're joking" the tall one defended his friend as they backed away,
"you know what I'm capable of, don't provoke me" I said, they nodded quickly and went back to sitting down while I went back to my map;
"do you want to talk?" the fat one asked me,
"about what?",
"about what you would like to do as soon as you get out of here" the tall one added,
"killing someone, it seems obvious to me" I replied annoyed,
"besides that, don't you want a life of your own?" I froze hearing those words.

"What do you mean?" I sat on the floor and looked at them,
"I mean, if you weren't in here, what would you like your life to be like?" the fat one said looking at me:
I had never thought about it, since I entered the cult I had dedicated my life to that.
"I would have wanted a family, maybe a daughter, black hair and light eyes",
"like you?",
"yes, maybe I would have called her Elizabet, like my mother" I got lost in my thoughts imagining how things would have gone if I had made a different choice...


Bob's Pov:

"Bob? Bob are you there? we have to leave again" (Y\N)'s sweet voice woke me up, obviously it was only a dream, I would never have realized my little wish:
"are you okay? you looked sad while you were sleeping",
"that's all ok dear, don't worry, we can leave".


(Y\N) Pov's:

"Are you sure you want to continue driving? We haven't stopped for two hours now, do you want to switch?"
I said as I looked at Bob,
"no I'm fine" he said seriously,
"Bob, is something wrong?",
"no" he looked really angry, he was gripping the steering wheel as if he wanted to detach it from the car; fortunately shortly after we saw a gas station and stopped.

He took his head in his hands moaning, there was definitely something wrong:
"man, there's something wrong, I feel it" I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder,
"do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, he looked at me confused,
"sorry, I can't, I'll explain everything when you're ready" he took his mask and opened the door; "Where are you going?",
"I kill someone to let off steam",
"what? no no no stop" I took him by the wrist.

Bob's Pov:

"Bob please, try to vent in another way" she said looking at me with sad eyes, fuck she was really worried about me,
"ok sorry" I went back to the car and took off but the mask, she gently ran a hand through my hair and he asked me kindly "can you explain?",
I felt confused, as if she could really calm me down:

"I dreamed about something that happened in prison a month ago",
"a sad memory?",
"actually not, something I wanted to do but couldn't because of my decision",
"the one you said that you will explain to me when I'm ready?" I nodded as she got closer and closer to me,
"I wanted a normal life, but after that decision it was impossible to have it" she sat on my legs while she gently caressed my cheek and I kept talking,
"I wanted a family, someone who could love me and accept who I am"
I said looking into her eyes, she was beautiful up close.

None's Pov:

"I accept you, you didn't behave badly with me, you were very kind actually", without (Y\N) realizing it, she was on top of the serial killer while he held her by the hips,
"do you think that truly?" their faces were really close and Bob couldn't stop staring at (Y\N)'s lips;
"you are so sweet dear" bob put a hand in the girl's hair and then pulled her forward and, finally, he was able to kiss her.

Neither of them broke away from their kiss, they simply remained there inside the car while Bob pulled the girl close to his chest: she had been kind to him, she knew who he was and she hadn't hesitated to save him, now that he had found her not there 'would have more let go.

(Y\N)'s Pov:

I felt his big hands on my body but I didn't move, after all he was a handsome man and he had proved to be a good person with me, when we both needed to breathe we parted and he looked at me smiling:

"Well, I didn't think it would end so honestly" he laughed softly while I blushed,
"what's wrong dear? do you want to tell me that you don't like me?",
"no no I really like you a lot, no wait" he burst out laughing while I clung to him and hid my head in the her chest,
"aww you're cute, I did well to take you hostage",
"shut up Bob, it's not funny",
"of course it is" he gave me a quick kiss on the head;
"yes, you can drive now, I'm tired" he made me get off his legs to get on the passenger seat.

I'm putting in two chapters because tomorrow there's a chance I won't be able to write much, this is the longest chapter I've ever written in this story; hope you like it :) <3

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