Smith, Jones, and Who?

970 45 4

"Uhhhh." Was the only words she could get out. Staying down for a few brief moments, she decided if she was in fact still alive from whatever that was, she should probably get up to investigate.

Pushing herself onto her stomach then her knees, May reached for her glasses and her phone that somehow stayed perfectly intact through the journey of that burning light. Placing her phone in the pocket of her sweat pants, she pushed her glasses up her nose and looked around for anything that could give her a clue to where she landed.

Coming to the conclusion it was a hospital from the whitish-gray walls and what seemed to be waiting rooms with a few ugly green chairs, she decided to go up to the group of people wearing the lab coats.

"Excuse me." May broke into their conversation. "Can you tell me where I am?"

The group of people looked at her weirdly before the young man with blonde hair answered her question. "Um, you're in Central London Hospital."

She blinked. "Oh, okay. Thanks." But once the information processed in her brain, she went bug-eyed. "Wait, sorry. Did you say Central London Hospital? Like in London, the UK London?"

"Yes, this is the London hospital. Are you alright, did you hit your head?"

May heard a familiar voice in the crowd of people. Pushing up her glasses, she pinned-pointed the owner and her face drained of color. It was Freema Agyeman, but she looked younger. She looked like-no. It wasn't possible! But...The teenager thought back, she did get swallowed by that light in her room. A light, now that she thought about it, looked a lot like the light that came through the crack in Amy's walls.

Clearing her throat when she realized she had yet answered Martha's question, came up with a feeble excuse. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine, just...experimenting." May turned around to walk away, only to pause and turn back. "Uh, one more question. Has anyone been shocked today or seen anything...weird?"

The man who answered her earlier question, popped up. "I was shocked by the lift."

"Great." She forced a smile on her face. "Thank you for that, I will be going. Have a good day." Quickly turning on her heel, she speed walked around the corner and braced herself on the wall. What is going on? She thought to herself. The only explanation that came to mind was the wish, but how? Wishes don't come true, especially wishes that send you into other dimensions!

But frankly, she would have to think about her wish later. May Springs had other things to worry about. For example, the lighting strike that seemed to echo through the building. Running up to the closest window, May pressed against the glass and saw the rain. The rain that was going up.

"Oh, shit." She mumbled to herself. "Here comes the Judoon platoon upon the moon."

As the words tumbled out of her mouth, the building jerked about. Falling to the floor once again, May covered her face to avoid anything that could potentially harm her. The rocking continued before coming to an abrupt stop. Groaning, she pushed herself up and looked out the window again while ignoring the many screams that surrounded her.

Upon seeing that they were in fact on the moon and she couldn't be dreaming. A wild looking grin found its way onto the girl's face. She was in Doctor Who! She was on the moon! With the thought of meeting the Doctor, she followed the sign that said patients lounge, hoping that it was the right one.

Luckily, luck was on her side. May arrived at the same one Martha and The Doctor were on.

"We've got air!" Martha said. "How does that work?"

"Just be glad it does." May spoke up from behind them before the Doctor could say anything.

The two's heads swirled around at the newcomer's voice. The Doctor voiced their confusion. "Who are you?"

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