Chapter 15

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The maesters had sewn my arm, and cleaned up the cut on my cheek, they had taken Aemond to the other end of the castle, to his room I presumed, as I was in mine. I winced as they delved the needle in and out of my skin. "Fuck." I hissed to myself. They eventually all left, I undressed, running my dirty fingers through my mangled hair. Dyana ran me a bath, setting out clothes for dinner. 

I stepped into the bath, Dyana stepped over with a tray, setting it down aside the table, as she began to pour things into my bath. 

"What's that for?" I asked her. 

"Milk of the poppy Princess, it'll help your wound, along with these salts." She sat down the small jug. Turning to a tiny bowl, pouring it in slowly. She came to the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair, picking up another small bowl, picking up the water from the tub and pouring it over my head. 

"Don't you get tired of it?" I asked her. 

"Of what Princess?" She asked me. 

"Of looking after other people such as I?" I looked down at my palms, thinking on how Aemond had grabbed the raw blade like a maniac. 

"No Princess, it's my job. I sleep and eat in the red keep. Much safer here than Flea Bottom. Many would wish to be here. A hot meal, warm bed by fire, yes with other girls but. I'm never alone. I'm quite fortunate." She explained warmly. 

"What about your family?"

"My family? My mother was a seamstress for the whore houses. No whore herself, but still. An amazing dress maker. As for my brothers, they were with the gold cloaks when Prince Daemon had charge. After he left, they left too. They sailed to far lands, I never got to meet them Princess." She stopped running her fingers through my hair, picking up the brush. "Your hair has gotten so long, a true sign of beauty." 

"It's only hair." I laughed to myself. 

"Yes Princess, but Targaryens are known for their long silver hair, a sign of beauty and loyalty. A marker of old Valyria." She brushed my hair, I had finished speaking with her. I looked how my hair had come to my chest now. As long as Aemonds. Back in Volantis, I needed it short, the heat was unbearable there. I got out of the bath, Dyana dried my hair, I dressed, pulling on some trousers, and a tunic. She began to fix my clothes on me. I felt awkward just standing there, letting her do this for me. But I did all the same. 

"What other jobs do you tend to in the mornings?" I asked her. 

"I dress you, Princess Heleanas children, and refill Prince Aegons wine." She explained, pulling my leather layers over my chest. She refills Aegons wine? That's something he gets in the mornings? "Along with delivering Prince Aemonds post from the ravens to him." I raised my brow at that. 

"He gets writings? What? By the ravens?" I asked. 

"Yes princess, he gets many, as does her grace. Many letters, every morning." She started fixing my collar, I waved her away as I threw on my boots, lacing them, she picked up the brush and a hair tie. I waved that away also. 

"I shall leave it down." I spoke. I glanced at myself in the mirror, looking more like a prince than a princess. I preferred it that way. The cut still a fresh red on my cheek. A princess was a symbol of conformity and control. That wasn't me. I headed out the door, bidding Dyana farewell as she bowed. I felt my arm pulse slightly. I opened the doors to the dining hall. Otto sat there with Alicent, looking over a ravens letter. I looked to see Heleana, she smiled to me. I smiled back awkwardly, remembering this morning. Aegon sat by her, he just looked at my cheek, I sat down, across from Heleana, as Aemond stepped out from across the room, sitting next to me. I glanced at him, his lips still red. The table hadn't been lay yet, for anything other than cups of wine, a servant poured mine and Aemonds. 

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