I Know.

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Summary: He knows they're over. He knows, but he cant help but mourn what he lost.

Note: this is kind of Macaque/Wukong but also anti Macaque/Wukong

This was never published to AO3 and since it's so dookie, it won't be(2024-06-3)


Macaque laid motionless on the grass. The blinding light of the sun shun in the corner of his eye. The sun was descending back into the ocean once again. Macaque watched as the sky got darker, getting overpowered by purple as it pushed the orange sky down. The pre night sky released cool winds that brushed against Macaques bare chest. Making him shiver slightly.

With his arms at his sides and his hands intertwining with the blades of grass he released a long, thoughtful sigh. It had been a while since he finally relaxed. But he never expected to be relaxing at his former partners abode. The monkey kings island, to be more specific. Flower fruit mountain has maintained its nice, sweet and bright nature and the monkeys living there seemed to be happy as well -despite not showing much emotion- . As for the monkey king himself, the primate had busied himself with training his successor. So Macaque was all alone, he didn't mind. He was usually alone, back in the underworld, his dojo, everywhere he went.

Sun Wukong had told him there was peaches and fruit on a table near his shack, just incase the other wanted a snack. But Macaque had no plans of eating. He had no appetite.

He thought. Sun Wukong. That was all he could think of, The Great Sage. The golden monkey had been taking up his mind for the entire day. He couldn't bring himself to stop thinking about him. He didn't want to.

He felt a hand grip his shoulder, and yet it startled him, he made no move to look back. He felt the rustling of grass behind him, and when it came into view, there he was. The monkey king. Lying next to him, closely. Their shoulders were centimeters away. Macaque wanted to close that gap. To hold onto the king once again like he used to. It took strength to not bother acknowledging the kings existence. It had been a while since they were next to each other this closely. It made Macaque ache. In many, many bad ways. He wanted the king near him once again.

But not just near him, he wanted to feel the others body pressing against his again. His hand began to calm, then pressed against the ground. Wukong watched him with interest. Macaque sat still, elbows on his thighs and forearms on his knees. His back ached, the muscles were bundled up, knotted, as if someone had squeezed them like Play-Doh and then tightly bundled them up. Macaque rolled his shoulders in circles, the noise coming from his bones did not help. Wukong was next to sit up, swiftly placing his hands on Macaques back. Macaque almost flinched at the sages rough, cold hands. The hands grazed his muscles softly pressing into them as to help release the knotted nerves.

"May I?" The sage offered and then questioned. Macaque let out a hefty sigh. Nodding silently, taking the offer the sage had put out. Wukong pressed his thumbs into the others back, he hasn't been this close to Macaque in a hot minute.

Macaque let his shoulders drop as the gentle massaging traveled down to his lower ribs. Rolling his neck a bit as he lightly leaned into the touch of the monkey king.

"Jeez, your back's as hard as a rock dude. You been working out? Maybe training too hard?" The monkey king teased, as his hot breath grazed Macaques nape. Macaque struggled to cling onto what the king was saying as his mind got foggy. The sage was pressing into his muscles roughly after a few minutes. But Macaque kept silent. This behavior went on for about 30 more minutes, and then the king stopped.

"You alright, Mac? You haven't said anything at all, kinda worrying me, pal." Sun Wukong asked, leaning onto Macaques back to look at the others face. Macaque bit his bottom lip, the nickname he never thought he'd hear again escaped the lips of the sage once again. Macaque almost stopped breathing when the sage gripped his shoulder to twirl him around to face him. He watched the kings mouth as it went through a few emotions before settling on a frown. The face of the sage was a face of concern, his eyebrows knitted into two worried brows, his nose scrunched and his mouth frowned.

"Im fine." Macaque replied after a few seconds of watching the sage. He earned a pitiful stare from Wukong. He knows why he's so silent, maybe that's why he's playing dumb as if he doesn't know. The sage was like that sometimes. Wukong let go of Macaque, his expression unchanging. Once Macaque had turned back around, he felt two pairs of hands place themselves on his shoulders. Pulling him down to the middle of the kings thighs. The warmth hit him like a truck, and he moved his hands to go under the kings thighs. The kings brushed the other monkeys hair, intertwining his fingers with the black hair the other monkey had.

Macaque hummed as the sage moved his hands up and down Macaques chest. This wasn't normal though.

Something about this was off.

He knew. He knew this wasn't real, merely a dream to keep him from crying his eyes out.

"You know, you cant keep this up forever. Right?" The sage asked. Macaque dug his fingers into the sages pants.

"I know."

"Maybe, if you tried to make up with him, you wouldn't have to make illusions about him." The other continued.

"I know."

"This is pathetic, Macaque." The sage insulted, and Macaque replied the same way.

"I know." This truly was pathetic. Making illusions about your ex while he was gone. This could be seen as, creepy. Obsessive even. Gosh. Macaque was horrible at moving on.

Wasn't he? Actually, maybe he already knows.


Macaque is a big fat loser who cant move on from his ex, i love making angst about this mf its so fun. I hate him smmmmm he makes me so madddd

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