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A selcouth moment between Azure and Peng turns into a passionate night of intercourse.

Plot: what plot?...

Note(taken from og upload on AO3):
No TW's for this fic, thankfully, I believe there is some light masochism and unintentional injuries, which are mainly cuts so need for CW or TW.

C+C is very much welcomed!! I'm always trying to improve! Tell me if there's anything off about this fic bc ISTG there's something off(btw there might be probable changes to this fic as I rushed the last bit of the smut part and am JUST barely getting more INSPO for it)

Originally posted on AO3; 2023-08-26


It was a full moon, and it shone heavenly upon Flower Fruit Mountain. Illuminated all from above. The countless trees, the leaping monkeys, the gleaming bushes with rain dew on them. All of it.

The view was gorgeous, from the peak of the mountain one could gaze at the stars or watch the sun drown in the ocean.

This time of night was when the moon had hit its peak, glowing like a spotlight while the world was its stage.

The cackles and hearty laughter from down below echoed gloriously and loudly.

The inhabitants of the mountain sat in a glowing body of water. Sharing tongues and messing around.

A log laid delicately above the river and there lay The Monkey King, his ginger fur shining under the spotlight of the moon. His tail swayed as he looked down at his brothers beneath him.

Azure had an arm around Peng as he cackled at a horrible joke Yellowtusk had cracked. His muscles tightened as he reached a paw to clasp over his mouth to cease his giggle fit.

Peng watched with a quirked brow and an amused grin. Looking down at Azure before he took a swig of his wine, swallowing hard when Azure jerked back when he finally had finished laughing.

Lui'er sitting off to the side, crouched on top of a boulder near the water. Hands grasped the edges of the smooth rock and his tail swished as he watched his brothers chatter. Staring hard and long, not thinking or listening, just watching.

The Demon Bull King had already turned in for the night. Therefore the brothers meet up this time was much calmer.

Wukong giggled before he sat up, swinging his legs over the log and leaping down on the more shallow part of water. His boots caused a harsh splash on impact. He heard Peng grunt behind him and he grinned wider. He must've splashed him.

"I'm gonna hit the hay. I wanna get up bright and early to-" Wukong paused for a moment, thinking, he hadn't thought about what he'd do the next morning.

"to do Monkey King stuff, like usual." Macaque saved him, himself standing afoot and walking ahead of the primate.

"Yes! Exactly! Night, guys!" Wukong replied, turning to wave a farewell towards his brothers before scurrying off behind the darker monkey, his wet boots making gross squelching noises as the water they had absorbed mixed with the soil.

"Sleep well, brother Wukong." Azure would call out as he watched the two walk off into the greenery of the forest. He let out a soft hum as he laid back, blue fur against the rim of the river.

Yellowtusk had occupied himself on chugging his coconut water which left the trio silent, the only sound was the tides of the ocean from far away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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