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SUMMARY;; Liu'ers point of view of the King, even as he's always being seen as the Kings lap dog.


A heavily inspired fic by the song Brutus by the Buttress.

For Those looking for a change.
Hello againnnnn, back at it again with ANGST!;_?#;#!

This idea came to me when I listened to the song, like, wow this is very Macaque coded. The scorched by the Sun lyric was actual proof that this song was written for him.

Despite the fic being inspired off the song it does not mean I support the creator, I simply have separated the art from the artist to make this fic


Originally posted on AO3: 2023-10-14


I've been watching him for our entire lives. I hate the air he breathes and the way everyone clings to his chest, home to his swelling heart full of pride.

I'd be lying if I were to say I don't wish for his ultimate death or demise. Or am I just wishing to take his place so the people could too see me as a poet and not just the muse.

No, it's not true. I do not wish harm upon him.

From birth we've been like brothers of different stones, within the spirit of the same womb.

May the gods strike me down if I ever forsake you, you are beautifully made. And to you, Sun, I am forever grateful.

I'll never forget the way you showed me to make art, and I know that love you showed me came from that pure and noble heart, the one that no longer beats, for now all that does is a cruel and selfish one.

I love you. And if you want, I can call you king.

And yet I still lie awake at night wishing that instead of you, it should be me.

Something wicked is coming closer, wrapping its shadowy tentacles around my form and consuming my thoughts, my mind. But as I set to fight it, I think, should I stay and embrace it or run and reject it?

What is it that motivates me, is it hatred? Is it love? What's more wrong? That I wish to be great like him. Or that my stone was meant to birth a being as cherished as him?!

And even if i cannot be the one, perhaps i should make way for him until the day he comes and perhaps my name could also be known, Not as a king but as the one who helped the people and restored greatness to the mountain of flowers and fruits.

Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er!

I grasp him by the collar and raise a fist to strike a punch but from behind he attacks me. He pins me to the ground and the version of him I held poofs in front of me, like a taunt. beats me ruthlessly with that staff. My head throbbed and i felt the impact echo in my skull.

Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er!

I kick his legs from behind me, he loses his balance and stumbles off my shins. I lift my face from the dirty floor and rise once more, catching the king off guard, I strike him with a kick and a claw to his face. I could almost see his nose begin to leak crimson, thick bodily fluid.

Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er!

He grunts, pushed off the ground, he yells in what I presume is agony before launching that heavy staff at my head.

I heard it crack on impact. My reaction delayed. He pounced on me like a wild beast awaiting for it's prey to fall unconscious to tear its flesh from its bones.

Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er! Liu'er!

I am not the Macaque King and I bet even he knew that. For a sworn brother would have never beaten the brains and guts out of one of his kin.

Each strike paralyzed me. My vision was blurring and blood dropped down from the gash beneath my hair down to my red nose.

Each hit, I could swear I saw stars before they faded in a second.

My name is Liu'er and my name means Six ears. I was born next to Wukong, like a friend, like an ally, and a brother, and yet with my heavy staff I will guide this point end into the heavy heart of the king.

My whole life he had been a teacher and a friend to me. I plea for him to know that my actions are not only motivated by envy. For it's more, jealousy and love, than hatred and revenge.

Is it both? Is it all? Are the emotions I feel towards him fueled by being shadowed upon? That couldn't be true.

I too have a destiny. His death will be ART.

Both realms will speak of this day from near and afar. His death will be history and I'll be great then. They'll wonder "What happened to king?", and theyd mutter and cower in fear when they hear the name "The six eared macaque".

I didn't want what he had. I wanted to be him.

I always knew I could be the one. The one to take his place and maybe his throne. And though I feel the endless pain of being, I am scorched by the Sun.

Of my humble origins and birth of a cursed role.

My name is Liu'er Mihou but the people will call me Rex.


This was not beta read, lawwl, if I find any mistakes I'll make sure to edit them

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