Origins PT4

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The four enter a room

Zion and Rachel walk in and look around

Nun:Oh. Truth be told, we haven't had much call for this room of late. It's a bit neglected,
I'm sorry to say.

Rachel grabs a doll and smiles at it

Zion sees a green mighty morphin power ranger and grabs it he smiles

(Yes I added this in memory of Jason David Frank For Those Of You Who DONT Know he died on the 19th some say it was of suicide but I don't believe that look if your ever feeling those kinds of thoughts talk to someone entrust your mind with someone don't take the life god gave you away and JDF Rest In Power 💚🤍♥️♥️🖤)

Nun:Welcome home, You two.

Zion and Rachel smile at eachother then at the nun

A few minutes later zion and Rachel are observing the room

Zion:Damn couldn't give us our own rooms

Rachel chuckles

Outside Kory and The Nun Watch the two

Nun:What now?

Kory:Thought I'd find the answers here.

Nun:Oh, don't give up so quickly.

Kory:I know I feel danger. And I can't let them
out of my sight. I just don't know why.

Nun:is that a picture of Zion shirtless?

Kory quickly shoved the picture in her pockets deep

Kory takes out a key

Kory:Uh Hey, this doesn't mean anything to you, does it?

Nun:Oh, of course. It's from Scooter's Roller Palace just down the road. It's a lively place.

Kory laughs

Nun:The young people quite like it. The Lord works in mysterious ways.



The nuclear family walk toward a door and ring the doorbell

An old bitch walks behind them

Old Bitch:Butterscotch?

They take them

Nuclear Mom:Manners.

Nuclear Sis:Thank you.

Nuclear Biff:Thanks.

They enter an elevator

An old Nigga cracks eggs as the nuclear family walk in

Adamson:Well, hello, family.

Nuclear Mom:Doctor Adamson.

Adamson:I'm making omelets. It seems I may have over-shopped. One less?

Nuclear Mom:We failed.

Adamson:Clearly. This being who took them from you is unique. We have only recently become aware of her. Granted she is formidable, but she is no Rachel and is sure as hell isn't a Zion. We built you better than this.
*he grabs a button* Any last words?

Nuclear Sis:What's so important about these Roth kids, anyway?

Nuclear Mom:Honey, seen, not heard.

Adamson:No. I appreciate a bit of spirit.
These "kids" as you call them is far more than that. Look around you. Oppression. Indignity.
Perversion. Pain. All hidden behind smiles of dishonor. Their father will reveal us. When he comes, he will scrub the flesh of this world clean and show us who we really are. But he can't arrive without an invitation. He can't come here without their welcome. But when he does...what dreams may come.

Nuclear Sis:I'd like to see a world like that.

Adamson:Would you now? Well, I've already
cracked the eggs. Be a shame for them to go to waste. Would you like another chance to bring them to me? To save your last words for another day?

All:Yes, please.

Adamson:Research suggests two-parent families have a better chance at success. How about we get you another dad?

They nod and the kids take out butterscotch

Adamson:Oh, I wouldn't eat the candies.

Nuclear mom holds out her hand as the kids put their butterscotch into her hand

Adamson:Now, who likes cheese?

They all raise their hands

At scooters Kory walks down an aisle and hsss her key opening a locker she takes out a baggie and grabs a key


Zion and Rachel sit down in a booth as Kory walks over

Rachel:You should try some.

Kory:Pass. You gonna be long with that?

Rachel:I ordered a burger, too.

She sighs

Zion:ok you need energy if your gonna be a bodyguard

Kory:I'm not a bodyguard

Zion gets up and the two begin wrestling

Kory:stop stop stop!

Zion gets the tender in her mouth

The two lock eyes for a second before she eats it

Zion smiles

Kory tries not to smile

Zion sits back down with his sister

Kory sighs and sits down taking another bite of her tender

Kory:That cop you told me about in Detroit.

Rachel:Yeah. Dick. What about him?

Kory:He's not your father, is he?

Rachel:No, no. He was just a cop who was trying...It doesn't matter. He didn't really wanna help us anyway.

Kory:So, you know anything about your real father?

Zion:Not much. Our mom, Melissa, she never talked about him. I mean, not ever.

The music changes to rock

Kory:I'm gonna change this music before my head explodes.

Rachel:Well, we need change for the arcade.

Kory hands her an 100


Kory:All I got.

Machine:Jumbo! Power bomb. Extra bomb!

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