Doom Patrol PT2

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They all hear gunshots and gar leads them out

A dead dear lays against the ground

Man:Are we outta the huntin' zone?

Man2:No. Yeah. Hell, I don't know. What's the difference?

He chuckles

Man:Man, that was a shit shot.

Man2:Well, you missed altogether.

Man:Well, I won't miss this one.

He aims a gun at the deer

Rachel runs infront of their guns

Rachel:Leave it alone.

Man:What the hell? Where'd you come from?

Rachel:Leave it alone.

Man:Go home, girl. Go on. Get!

They hear growling And then turn to a green tiger

It roars blowing them back and making the first man shoot the other

Man2:You shot me!

Rachel:Get outta here!

Zion runs toward his sister

Zion:Don't ever do that again that was not safe you could have died!!!!!


Zion and Rachel look at the deer

Zion:bloody hell

Gar turns back

They bend down and tend to it

Rachel:Hey. Hey. Hey... Hey...

Gar:Hey, uh... Don't look, yeah?

He gets dressed

Rachel:I know you're scared. I'm sorry they did this to you.

Gar now dressed walked over to them

Gar:I should've done more than roar. The truth is, I've never bitten anybody before. Blood grosses me out.

Zion:It's dead.

Gar:You okay?

Rachel sobs

Rachel:I'm sorry.

Gar:Rachel, there is nothing evil about you.
Nothing at all.

Rachel:You don't know that.

Gae:Yeah, I do. I have a pretty good instinct
about this kind of thing. Come on.

They all walk off

Unbeknownst to them the deers wound glows black as it blinks

Zions hands glow red

Zion:what's that about?

They arrive at a mansion

Rachel:Whoa. You live there?

Gar:Come on.

They walk towards the mansion

They go to a ditch

Rachel:We're going down here?

Gar:Oh, yeah. Cool, huh? Come on. Go ahead.

They enter the house below

Rachel:So, what is this place?

Gar:I call it...

He turns on a light as multiple machines glow and the lights turn on


Zion and Rachel:Holy shit.

Gar:You want a pop? I got everything. Root beer? Orange Crush? Grape Crush?

He rushes over to his bar



Rachel looks at a poster of Frankenstein

Gar:That's an original. 1948. You ever see it?

Rachel:Aren't you a little young to be watching something so old?

Zion:You mean "classic."

Gar and Zion smile and nod at eachother

Gar:I've got every Abbott and Costello Meet a Monster.

Rachel:Yeah, you're a geek, aren't ya?

Gar:About classic films, vinyl, and video games, yeah, check, check, and check.

Zion:So where'd you get all this stuff?

Rachel stretches his stretch Armstrong

Gar:Uh, you know. Around.

He takes it

Gar:It's, uh, vintage.

He chuckled nervously

Gar:I don't get out that much.

He hands them their drinks

Rachel sees a picture of his parents and Gar

Gar:Yeah. Yeah, they, uh... They died.

Rachel:our mom died, too.

Zion:She was all we had.

Gar:So, who were the people you were with at the roller rink?

Rachel:Oh, you know, just people. So, if your parents are gone, um...who lives here?

Gar:That is a complicated answer.



Zion:Who is that?

Gar:Uh, the complicated answer.

Man:Gar! You down there?

Gar:Uh, you guys need to hide.

Zion:Hide? From what?

Gar:Just hide... Please.

He hides them in a closet quickly

He goes to his game and puts on headphones and plays a game as a man in boots walks behind him

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