Chapter Three

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The air felt still and my feet felt heavy and firm on to the ground. I slowly opened my eyes looking around the area. I was back on the cliff but everything felt different. The grass seemed more unkept and the tree was bigger and older looking then before. I peeked over the cliff this time seeing nothing from ground not even the moon light above could help. The lantern was surprisingly in my hands. I look around for a way back down the hill.

"Where did the festival go?" Walking down the hill I seen what looked to be a crop field but no one was around. I even hopped to see the people making out but they were gone too.

"Where the hell am I?" I looked around to where I know the festival was at before. I just kept walking hoping to find something or someone that could tell me anything or explain something. The lantern was my main source of light and lit up every step as I went on.

The cliff was still in sight when I decided to stop walking. I still wasn't used to these sandals and walking too much was starting to kill me.

I plopped down next to a tree and took them off. I felt my bag and I instantly remembered I had my phone with me this whole time.

Quickly getting it out I noticed I have no bars or service, in fact I don't think I seen any power lines or phone lines since I've been walking. "Ughh no fucking way." My maps couldn't even show any form or lay out. God this is useless when I really need it.

Am I gonna have to sleep outside I thought as I looked around at the empty field where I walked from to the forest of trees on the other side. Ugh and why did it have to be night, this can't get any worse.

"Lord Sesshomaru, where are you going? I can barely keep up." Someone panted out into the distance. I couldn't make out who it was that had said it. I don't even know who he was talking to since no one replied after that.

I turned to the side still on the ground and looked behind the tree I laid on. For a moment all I seen was glimpses of white but it wasn't until it hit the moon light is when I seen a person finally. I couldn't make out much of them, but their white figure.

I didn't know if I should just wait until they see me or just talk to them first. Before I knew it the person spoke. It was a man for sure. "I seen something bright fall from the sky. It spiritual aura was strong but it wasn't Naraku's."

What the fuck are they talking about?!? He must be a spiritual person or something, I thought to myself until the other voice spoke again. "Who ever is out there show yourselves now." His voice was more serious compared to the other man speaking.

Wait- where they talking about me? I peeked over the the tree again and he stood,  turned towards my direction. I don't think he seen me since it's so dark and such and my lantern light was covered by the tree.

I heard footsteps and I hopped up onto my feet, but they had stopped they werent close to me so I assumed he had walked further away in another direction. I peeked behind the tree again to see him standing right on the other side of the tree.

Scarred I yelled stepping back and falling over my shoes landing on my butt. He just stared at me for a while without saying a word. "Lord Sesshomaru where did you go?" A small out of breath frog type of thing came running with this long stick way too big for him. What the fuck is that and way could it talk?!?

The frog thing noticed me and stopped next to the silent man. "Is this...human girl what you were looking for." He asked as he caught his breath from running. The tall man didnt reply or even look his way.

"Uhmmm Do you know where we are. I'm a bit lost." I laughed nervously trying not to freak out about the talking frog.


I got back up brushing the grass off myself. These people are useless, I guess I'll go somewhere else. I grabbed my sandals and bag, I pulled my lantern from the ground. When I looked back up at the man and toad, the man had reached for what I'm sure was a sword. 

I moved further back from them. "Wait wait wait, I'm harmless, Im just lost and confused." I put my hands up in defense stepping further away.  He seemed to understand because he let go of the sword handle and walked closer to me. I stepped aside and back towards the tree as he continued walking passed me.

I guess I dodged that one. "I guess I'll go this way." I walked the opposite way they had gone. I think his name was Sess something, I couldnt really make it out. Thinking about it now he did look pretty attractive and his white hair was very long I've never seen anyone like that. I wish I had a better look at him in the day to really see him but oh well he was crazy anyways.

After walking for about four minutes the ground started to shake. Oh no was the wind gonna take me away again? I fell to the floor holding onto the grass blades hoping it can keep me rooted here. Looking up I seen an assortment of something in the air coming this way. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look at it.  Different colors and shapes started to form in to these monster looking things, what the hell is this now?!?

Are they coming after me? I didnt wanna find out so I ran the other way, maybe that Sess guy can kill them or maybe they are harmless but by the looks of them I doubt it heavy. I ran and ran the lantern swung around. He couldnt have gotten that far away, I started to lose hope and believe he was really gone from the area. My only plan was to run away, luckly I started to see the long stick the frog had and long white hair and fur arm thing. Yes! That was him, I ran toward them but didnt stop I didnt want him to kill me like he was trying to do last time. "Run there are a lot of monsters coming!" I yelled while panting tired from running but had no plan in stopping anytime soon. The frog looking thing was the first to look then panic he seen the lot of monsters coming our way.

I ran passed them and the frog was following right on my tail. The Sess guy looked unfazed as he stood and turned away bring his sword out towards the monsters. "Lord Sesshomaru got this!" The frog told me as he pulled me behind a boulder far off. "Theses arent monsters they are demons and you must have brought them here." ME?!? How the hell did I bring them here.

"No- I didnt bring any demons here!" I wanted to yell but I was too tired from running.  The frog guy just stared over at Sesshomaru watching him, he seemed confident that he was gonna win. I watched over too and in one swing all of the monsters...or demons were into bits or gone.

That was until one came up from the sky trying to attack the frog thing. "Help Help human. Do something!" He yelled, I didnt know what to do I took hold of his leg keeping the demon from trying to take him or eat him.

My feet started to lift from the ground along with his as the demon kept pulling up. Before we got any higher Sesshomaru had came holding me back onto the ground. Our faces met and he looked very unfazed by all this. I pulled the frog harder becoming in reach of the demon, I used my hand trying to push him off but as soon as my hands made contact with it it like combusted into shine like flakes.

The frog had fell to the floor, I stood there looking confused. What just happened, I looked at my hand it seemed fine. I looked at Sesshomaru who still looked unfazed. This guy doesnt really care or just cant move his face or something.

"Sesshomaru did you see that?!?" The frog jumped up and down in front of his face, all he did was nod. "Does that mean- hey wait Sesshomaru wait for me." He started to walk off before the toad even finished talking. "Jaken bring her too." Me? What for? Jaken I believed looked at me.

"Come on dont fall behind." He said to me before running to Sesshomaru's side. I mean seeing him kill all those things and knowing what this place is, traveling with them would be my best bet for now. I ran to them staying a few steps behind, god I hope we get to sit down soon.


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