Chapter Twelve

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Manga Sesshomaru <3333

Sesshomaru and Jaken sat around the room when I walked in, "Hi guys." I sat down next to the mat, it was nice to lounge around after walking for so many days.

"How was it?" Jaken asked walking over and sitting next to me "He cut me with a sharp rock and yea." I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to explain it all as I looked at my wrapped up hand. "But I'm bonded with my demon weapon. It's heavy but at night it's as light as a feather of course."

"How do you like Matsu? The village women heard Matsu talking about you, romantically." I smacked my lips. "Yeah that dude definetly likes me but it's nothing serious I'm sure." I said laying on my stomach to see Jaken.

I've picked up on his affection and everything but what am I gonna do stay with him here. The way he shows he likes me can be a bit over bearing but overall its cute and it does work for him.

"I dont think his love is the best for me but I do admire his actions in knowing what he wants...he's also really pretty." I laughed a little at the last part, finally admitting it out loud.

"Besides I'm not here to date, we are here to get my weapon so I can go home." Bringing myself back to the real goals that seemed to keep getting side tracked.

I looked over at Sesshomaru who was of course quiet but his eyes where already on me. Naturally I looked away just to say nothing at all. Times like this I wish he would tell me how he feels about anything like a normal person so it wont be so awkward between us, but that's just him.

"I wonder whats gonna be for dinner?" Jaken said just talking. I shrugged my shoulders playing with with the fabrics of the blankets. Time passed and I started to get bored. What to do without technology.

It was easier when I had to walk but now theirs nothing else. I started to doze off to sleep when a knock came at the door. "Yes!" I yelled rolling up from the floor. Matsu came in laughing. "Ah my queen likes to sleep when the moon is away I see." He sat criss-cross next to me as I sat up.

He was dressed in more athletic wear then the colorful flowy one he had on before. "Ah Jaken!" He leaned over pulling Jaken to him, forcing him into a hug.

"It's been a while, the women love you." He released him away causing him to spin twice before falling on his butt. "Dinner tonight will be just us friends. Everything is already set for later."

He grabbbed my wrist. "How's my queen doing? Is your cut bothering you?" I shook my head no as he looked over my arm. He got up walking to the door that he left open. "Ah Sesshomaru, come along with me friend, we must talk." His tone was friendly but it had a hint of michevious a the end.

In no time Sesshomaru was up heading to the door. Side by side two attractive demons stood, my eyes were gonna start watering by their combined hotness. They soon left and it was just me and Jaken.

We talked a bit more but it was still boring as hell. "Hey you wanna go see what people are doing?" I asked forgetting, we can literally leave the room. In no time we headed out. We walk around the village, men where smoking and played various games staring as we walked pass all conversation stopped. The women were talking and fanning themselves while others were harvesting and cooking.

The kids came running to us wanting me to play. I was a little nervous but they liked playing tag and Jaken was terrible at it, which is funny because he ran so fast when the demon was chasing us.

Soon I showed them hide-and-seek tag and we played a few rounds of it. Running I seen Sesshomaru and Matsu in a building, it looked like Matsu was still sharpening Sesshomaru's sword.

The sun was starting to set so I was able to hide more in the shadows. I know that it's bad to ease drop but I was curious to see what they talked about as friends. "...Battles have been growing tiresome these days. I've been thinking about giving it up for good, just dedicate to making weapons." Matsu confessed.

"I dont understand."

"We experienced the near feeling of death in any battle and grew to love it very strongly. But I want to feel love besides battle, yet also something still worth fighting for...Fighting for something other than survival, like a family. That is what my home village valued and I want to continue it down the line." Matsu voice was cold and stone.

"Is this why you seek for y/n?" The scrapping of the sword getting sharpened stopped leaving the room in complete silence.

I thought they noticed me outside, so I peeked and they were just staring at each other with this intensity watching them like this...I understand their friendship. Why did he bring me into this anyway.

"When I got your message that you found a moon empress, I knew she would make a good mate for me. What you didnt mention was her beauty like no other women on this land." The room was quiet with only the loud stomps Matsu made walking to the corner of the room, as he swung the sword on the sides of him.

"This morning being with her made me fall for her no other women has made me fall. Feeling her power and it's scent last night ugh I have no words for it. I want her and I'm willing to do whatever to have her with me. That is unless you wanted her for yourself all along."

The sword broke the wind as he continued to swing the sword around him, smug from his last comment. I held my body still as the room remained silent, waiting for his next word.

"I cannot say....The scent from her spell has affected me but her moon water controls the pull she's causing."

"You fool, anyone with powers from the moon has a pull to them. When infatuated with someone who possesses moon powers you become pulled to them, thats the reason why you can smell her sweet scent of white lilies and, water lotuses." His words purred towards the end.

There were more footsteps. "Ah but if your not sure like you say then your wouldn't mind if I make her my lover and wife right?" Matsu spoke strong and sure of himself.

For me my heart dropped. His wife?!? I just met him yesterday, there's no way I can marry him. Man he sure does move fast, how could he- growling broke my thoughts and I quickly peeked through the window to see Sesshomaru grabbing Matsu by his top.

Matsu was unfazed but also seemed amused by his reaction. He had his hand up in defense as a smile rose on his face. Sesshomaru spoke through his teeth, "You.Will.Not. You must have forgotten me and her have a deal." This caused Matsu to tense as Sesshomaru let him go.

Matsu face went back smug, "I guess you have made your choice, well it looks like we're fighting for the same women. Best of luck to you friend."

I heard footsteps coming close to the window. "Ah it's finally night, I can smell my womens lotus scent from here, pulling me to her...she must be near." He walked further away from the window.

"She's not your women." That was all Sesshomaru said as they walked to the door hearing it slide open and shut behind them.

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