Chapter Seven

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All the trees where a blur all I can hear is the consistant pattern of Sesshomaru's footsteps hitting against the grass.

Within and instant the sound was gone and my stomach jumped and did flips like I was on a rollercoaster. I wanted to scream but my lungs were empty. He landed and went back to running like nothing ever happened. "Hold on." He mentioned strong and flatly against my ear. I finally caught air in my lungs before I quickly lost it again yelling at him.

"Are you fucking crazyyy?!?" My grip was bounded to him at this point, we just jumped off at least a 50 foot cliff. My legs were wrapped around his slim yet muscular defined waist. His hair brushed against my neck and cheeks. I leaned into his neck feeling his thick silky stands of hair.

I rested my cheek on his shoulder enjoy the moment of peace while it lasted before he does something that can give me a heart attack. Slowing to a stop I leaned up to see a hot springs sign about the hot spring and some rules.

I hopped off his back and walked a few feet passed some trees and bushes and seen two ladies already there. "Oh sorry, I'll come back once you guys are done."

"No no it's ok, you can join us. We are almost done anyway." They encouraged splashing and giggling.  I looked behind me and Sesshomaru was no where to be seen. Maybe he heard the women so he just left.

I got undressed and folded my clothes leaving them on a near by rock.  I dont know where Sesshomaru had went but he better not be watching somewhere. I looked up into the trees making sure I didnt see any silver hair up there either. Giving up I headed into the springs with the women.

"Your not from around here, are you." The short hair women asked. I shook my head no while her friend joined in. "Of course she's not from here, her skin is something I would have seen before." She lifted my arm looking it up and down surprised by my brown skin. "I'm just travelling with a few friends. Where only here for the night." I explained.

"Oh thank goodness I wouldnt want such a pretty girl like you in the village. The men would be crazy over you."

"Even the married men." The short hair girl added in. She drunk from a clay cup and handed me one too. "What is this?" I asked "Its just wine, She stole it from her husband." Her friend told while I took the cup.

The women popped out the water showing her whole upper half with no hesitation. "You must understand, he was asleep and and he hates when we drink at the springs...but its sooo fun." She explained giggling holding the bottle close to her body.

I laughed taking the shot and passing it back to her. We relaxed and talked and drank. "Do you have someone?" The girl asked after they talked about their relationships. "Well no- I guess...maybe." I couldnt find the right way to put how I felt into words. Could I have feelings for him? No- he's just helping me get back home so I can give him a new arm. I explained a little bit of the situation to them.

"He should be happy to have a girl like you travelling with him. You know how dangerous it is with all these demons at here. He should be lucky to have a girl who puts up with that. Most women want to find a save place to call home not fight for their lives everyday."

"Yeah, tell me about it. Before we found this village my husband kept me in this small shack for shelter while he found a new village to live in. It was horrible demons were everywhere." She poured more wine into the clay cups and we drank more.

The water felt hot and steamy on my body and my face felt refreshed. The girls began to leave, leaving me with one cup full of wine. The water started to spin around me so I decided to take my time with the last cup.

I closed my eyes leaning my head back against the rocks on the edge. "It feels good to be drunk again at least." Something started to tickle my noes, I wiped it away only for the feeling to come back. I opened my eyes to see Sesshomaru standing right above me. I sank down to my ears in the water splashing him away.

Fly me to the moon Sesshomaru ( Xreader)Where stories live. Discover now