~ Chapter Two ~

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He and Larry eventually made it to the school, Sal sighed as he slowed down. "You okay?" Larry asked, looking over at him while matching his pace. "Yeah I'm fine, just a but nervous that's all.." "don't be nervous little dude, you're lucky Travis isn't here anymore." He said while ruffling Sals hair. {Travis? Who's that?} He thought. "Who's Travis?" Sal asked as they walked into the school. "Oh, just some dickwad from year 8, well his year 8 it was my year 9 at the time. He was a total douche but he went missing a month after the year started, been missing ever since." Larry explained. Sals eyes widened a little. {So that's who was on the missing person posters at the apartments..} When Sal moved to Nockfell, he noticed a missing person poster on the corkboard that was by the front door, he couldn't see what the person looked like since it was covered by other announcements. He only saw the name, it said 'Travis', but the middle and last name were covered too, and he didn't have time to look since he had to unpack. "Oh, thanks for telling me." "Of course little dude, now I gotta get to class, don't get lost!" Larry called before walking into his class. Sal waved at him before going to the principals office. "Come in." Sal walked in, standing there awkwardly for a second. "Sal Fisher I assume?" He nodded. The principal smiled before reaching into a file, pulling out a paper. "This paper has your schedule, locker number, and locker code, do not lose it." He handed the paper to Sal as he nodded. "Thank you sir." He said before walking out.

Sal was sitting in his class, unfortunately he forgot to take his meds this morning so the voices in his head were loud today. He raised his hand while holding his head. "May I go to the bathroom?" He asked, the teacher nodded so he got up and left. He found the boys bathroom quickly. He walked in and immediately got a weird feeling.


He heard heard the door open, seeing the bluenette peaked his interest. {This'll be fun. Not like they can see me anyways.} Travis giggled at his thought as he floated over to him. "Hey faggot, it's not Halloween you know." He said. To his surprise, the blue haired kid whipped around to look at him, he saw his eyes relax when he didn't see him. {Did he hear me? No one should be able to hear me!} He thought. "Hey are you able to hear me?" He asked, floating in front of the person. "God I hope that's just the voices.." he said with a sigh. {Voices.. he- she? Whatever, they said they hoped it was the voices.. so that only means that they CAN hear me!} Travis got a bit of hope at the thought. "So you can hear me!" The kid looked around, clearly he couldn't see him. "Yes I can..? So you aren't one of the voices are you?" "CLEARLY I'm not dumbass." The kid scoffed. "Then what are you?" Travis started to giggle. "A ghost. Obviously, what else would I be? Albert Einstein?" He joked while nudging the others side. "I felt that asshole." He said while rubbing his side.


He rubbed his side from where the ghost had nudged him. "You weak bitch I didn't even hit you that hard." They said. He rolled his eye, clearly the ghost saw it since they pushed him. "Hey what was that for!?" He stumbled slightly, the ghost starting to laugh. "Fucking pussy." They said. "Jesus... just tell me your name so I at least know what to call you.." "Travis Phelps, respect that. And what's your freaky name?" Sals eyes widened slightly at the name. {Travis? As in the Travis that went missing?} "Sal, Sal Fisher" Travis started to laugh even more. "Holy shit, even your name is as stupid as you!" He said in between laughter. "What are you? A fisherman?" "Ha ha very funny, like I haven't gotten that one before.." Sal mumbled that last part. "If you don't mind me asking, did you go missing during year 8?" It went silent for a minute. "How did you know I was missing...?" He asked. "I saw the name Travis on a missing person poster at my apartment complex, when you told me your name I assumed you were the missing person." It went silent again, "sit by the wall.. at the end.." he finally said, so Sal did as he asked.

"Jesus christ... you've been dead for two years and no one even thought you died.." "they all fear and hate me, Sally Face. They're probably glad I went missing, especially that stoner.." Travis said. Sal could tell he was hovering beside him, it was easy to tell due to how cold it was in the space beside him. "You mean Larry?" "Yeah, Johnson. He hated me, I hated him, you know, typical bully shit.." a pebble moved quickly across the floor. {I'm guessing Travis flicked it away..} he thought. Erie Silence fell between them, it was weird talking to a ghost, but then again it was even weirder to talk to the voices inside his head. "Why are you not.. scared.." Travis finally spoke up. "Why would I be? It's not like you're fucking- Frankensteins monster or some shit, unless you are-" Travis nudged him as they both started giggling. Their moment of friendship came to an end as the bell rung for next class. "I better go, I have to grab my stuff for my next class." Sal said as he got up. "Wait!" He felt the sleeve of his sweater get tugged, making him stop. "Can you visit me? At lunch? Or after hours? I'm most active after hours, and I never have someone to talk to.." Travis sounded sad, genuinely sad, like he wasn't trying to make Sal feel bad for him. "I can try.. when after hours?" "When everyone's gone, since that's the time I died." "So basically in the middle of the night?" Sal got no answer for a second. "Oh right you can't see me, I nodded." Sal nodded in response, he felt his sleeve flatten against his arm, assuming Travis had let go he started to walk to the door. "See- well- talk to you later Travis." "See ya freak." He heard Travis giggle as he walked out, heading back to his classroom to grab his stuff.

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