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The rest of the school day dragged by, extremely slow. Y/n just wanted to get out of here already, graduation was five weeks away and the only thing keeping her in her classroom was grades. If she wanted to graduate, she needed good grades. The last bell finally rung, Y/n hopped up, a little to eagerly.

"Y/n! The bell does not dismiss you! I do!" Mrs O. Donnell said.

"Ugh, sorry teach," Y/n said, sitting down lazily.

"Class dismissed," 

And what was the point of that exactly? To humiliate me? Most likely, Y/n thought. She quickly packed up her stuff and hopped up, once again. Y/n walked out of the classroom and to her locker, grabbing her metallic red Jackson guitar and portable Amp, then walked out into the school's car park. Now where could he be?  Y/n thought, scanning the car park for Eddie. 

"Looking for someone?" A voice said, 

Y/n turned around "uh yeah, you. Where's your car at?" I said, turning to a familiar brunette.

"My van?" he smirked,

"It doesn't matter what it is. Where is it?"

"Over there," Eddie said, pointing to a bike.

"WHAT. THE. HECK." Y/n said in shock horror,

"Calm down, I was kidding. I do have a van, it's over there." Eddie chuckled "You should've seen your face!"

"Oh shut up! You're such and idiot!" Y/n said, storming over to the van and pulling the passenger door handle. "Unlock the damn car!" 

"I'm getting there, calm down. If you wanna get along with me you have to cope with my jokes"

"You mean your stupidity? I reckon I can do that" Y/n said, huffing slightly. 

The car beeped as it unlocked, Y/n opened the door and sat down, placing her guitar onto her lap.

"What you wanna listen to?" Eddie asked, closing the door behind him after jumping into the van.

"Um I don't know maybe Metallica? I thought it was a little obvious?"

"Yeah, I knew that. What song?"

"Let's go with Battery."

"Sounds good" Eddie said, sliding a tape into the radio player. 

Battery started to play through the speakers as Eddie turned the music up loud, Y/n smiled and bobbed her head to the music. 

A few Metallica songs later Y/n and Eddie pulled up to Eddie's trailer. 

"Not to shabby looking" Y/n said

"Uh shut it" Eddie butted Y/n with his elbow softly. "Just come inside"

They jumped out of the van and headed inside

"Come to my room, this way" Eddie said, gesturing for Y/n to follow.

Eddie's room was chaotic, but not in a bad way. There were records scattered around the room, band posters on the wall, some clothes on the floor and guitars hung against one of the walls. 

"Wow, it's..."

"Messy, I know. Don't have to shove it in my face"

"I was gonna say, comforting"

"You find it nice too? Maybe we're more alike than I thought?"

"Maybe we are. Wanna play something?" Y/n asked.

"Let's get to it" Eddie smiled,

"Thanks for jamming with me Y/n"Eddie said, panting slightly.

"It was a pleasure, let's do it again sometime" 

"Sounds good. You know, you're the one of the only people who has ever liked me for who I am, I appreciate that"

"What's there not to like?" 

Y/n and Eddie chuckled slightly. 

"I better get home now, my mum will get worried otherwise" Y/n said.

"See you tomorrow then?" Eddie smiled,

"See you then"

Y/n made her way back home, surprisingly her and Eddie lived pretty close, it was quite convenient. Just a couple blocks and she'd be home. 

"Mum! I'm back!"

"Oh hey Y/n, where were you?" Sara asked

"Just at a friends house" Y/n replied

"Okay hun, dinner's on the table, help yourself"

"Thanks mum"

Y/n finished her food, made her way upstairs to her bedroom and put her guitar down on its stand.

She grabbed a book and read for a couple minutes, then slid under the covers of her bed closing her eyes and falling asleep.

"Y/n honey! Someone's on the phone for you!" Sara yelled, "Y/n? Hold on, um, what was your name again?"


"Okay, hold on Eddie I'll be back. Maybe Y/n's sleeping"

"Okay, thanks Mrs. Eden"

"Oh, please call me Sara"

"Thanks Sara"

Y/n's mum crept upstairs and smiled at her daughter sleeping sweetly. She made her way back downstairs and grabbed the phone.

"Sorry Eddie, you've just missed her, she's sleeping"

"That's alright Mrs. Ede- I mean Sara. Thank you though"

"Bye Eddie" Sara smiled

"See you Sara"

"Well, he seems like a nice boy. Hopefully he and Y/n will get along well" 

Thx for reading! I really appreciate it. I would love any feedback. See you in the next chapter!

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