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"EDDIE!" Y/n screamed, running over to his lifeless body. "Max! Help me! Please!" she cried.

Max ran over, tucking her arms under Eddie's legs, as Y/n grabbed his upper half. They clumsily made their way towards Y/n's house as it was closer.

"Mum! Dad! We need help! We found Eddie!" Y/n yelled, making her way to the door.

"You found Eddie!? Oh that's great hello darlings- Oh my god Eddie! Quick get him into the car!" Sara ushered. 

Y/n and Max carried Eddie to the car and placed him down across the back seats. By now tears had started streaming down Y/n's face rapidly.

"Hurry up mum! He's losing a lot of blood!" Y/n said in a panicked tone.

Sara slammed on the accelerator and started driving towards the hospital rapidly. 

"What happened to him?" she asked worriedly,

"We aren't sure, we found him like this" Y/n responded, looking at Eddie's face in concern. After a minute she looked up and locked eyes with Max. She looked at me with worry.

"Y/n, he's got bite marks on his torso. I think I know what they're from. But I don't know if you'll believe what I'm about to say" she said quietly.

"Max, if you know what attacked him, please let me know" Y/n replied tears still dripping down her face gently.

"It's from something called, a demogorgon. They're these creatures with no faces, that are human like but have no feelings. All they care about is eating, and to eat they have to kill. I'm sorry that Eddie is the one they chose. I'm just not sure why the demogorgon left him there." Max explained.

Y/n sat there in shock, processing what Max had just said. She nodded and went back to looking at Eddie, caressing his face gently. His eyes were closed but his jaw was clenched slightly, indicating that he was in pain.

"Girls, we're here!" Sara said, jumping out of the car to help the two teens. 

They all gently lifted Eddie from the seats and carried him into ED. The receptionist watched in shock as they walked through the doors quickly. She shook her head and focused on what was infront of her.

"Get paramedics in here ASAP!" she yelled. 

A few seconds later paramedics rushed in with a trundler bed and Y/n and the others placed him on it quickly. 

"There's only enough room for one guest in the room" one of the doctors said as the other staff ruched Eddie to a room.

"I'll go" Y/n said, sniffing softly. Both Max and Sara nodded and went to sit in the waiting area.

Y/n jogged and caught up to Eddie. Watching him worriedly, 

"Don't worry, he'll live. He's got deep wounds but that's all I can see. Your boyfriend will be alright" one of the doctors said.

"We aren't official yet." Y/n responded.

"Oh, well you should be. You look at him very fondly" they said. "I'm sorry but you'll need to wait here for a second, just while we get him hooked up and stitch his wounds"

Y/n nodded gingerly and started to fiddle with her chain anxiously. She started to pace up and down the hallway and hummed Enter Sandman quietly, trying to calm her nerves.

"You can come in now" the doctor from before said.

Y/n quickly made her way into Eddie's room and sat down next to his bed. She grabbed his hand softly and rubbed her thumb against his knuckles. He was breathing consistently and his jaw was no longer clenched. Y/n sighed of relief, knowing Eddie was going to be okay. She smiled and looked up at his face, just as his eyelids fluttered open.

Eddie's POV

I opened my eyelids gently and went into a state of panic, I looked around for the faceless thing bracing myself for it's next attack.

"Hey hey hey," a gentle voice said. I felt my nerves disappear at her gentle voice.

"Y/n?" I said groggily,

"Hi Eddie. Oh my god I was so worried. How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

"Alright. How did I get here?" I asked.

"Me and my friend Max carried you to my house, then put you into the car. Then we drove here and carried you inside."

I blushed and looked up, meeting Y/n's deep E/c eyes

"You carried me?" I said,

"Yeah" Y/n smiled.

I smiled back and winced, realising the pain in my torso.

"You should rest" Y/n said.

"I don't know if I'll be able to" I said embarrassedly.

"I'll stay here the whole time, don't worry" Y/n said gently, playing with my hair.

I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling the gentle movements of my soon to be girlfriends hand.

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