Bad First Impressions for All!

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We continue to just look at each other for what seemed like forever. My heart hammered my chest. He had to be the most attractive man on earth. I don't know what it was but I felt a pull towards him.

"You will be my mate." He said emotionlessly as if he was simply stating the color of the wall or something. My eyes widen and I had to force my jaw not to drop. 'Is this guy for real? He was sooooo hot until he opened that fucking mouth of his.' I thought turning away from him and walking off.

If I didn't I would have said something I might regret. 'Calm down girl maybe he's shy and that's the only way he knows how to ask for something.' I thought storming off into the gardens as my chest started to heave. I sat down on the bench besides the tree and looked up at the stars.

The moon was out but it was only a sliver in the sky. The stars were beautiful, it still took my breath away to see them. They were so much better than the stars at home. They twinkled and danced in the sky just for me it felt.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me and felt the same tingling as before. I knew who it was.

"The stars are so pretty." I said keeping my eyes to the sky.

"Why do you walk away from me."

"Why do you insist that I have no say in the mater of mating you or not?"

"Why would you not."

"Better question, why would I?" I asked making it a point to not look at him and keep an even voice.

"Are you implying that I am not suited to be your mate?" He said standing in front of me blocking my view.

"No, I'm implying that you should of asked not ordered me. I'm not some mindless woman that's going to drool over you because of your looks and title." I snarled standing up.

"That is why you are to be my mate." He said. I glared hatefully at him. 'What part of, 'you didn't ask' can't you understand?!' I feel like strangling him but before I could act on my urge to five cloaked figures dropped out of the sky.

"Lord Sesshomaru, the elders have sent us to deliver a message." One stepped up and bowed with his hand on his heart like he would say the pledge of allegiance at any second. "The calm lands would like to express their concerns over you lack of control in you lands. We implore you to abandon your quest of supreme conquest. Or we will have no choice but to kill you and give your title to one that would be better at ruling over the western lands." The all took out their weapons. The speaker had a long wooden staff, another had two shorter staffs, then num chucks, a sword and the last one had a spear.

"Ummmmm, I'm going to go." I said slowly walking away until a hooded attacked moved to block me "Never mind then." I said backing away. This guy was the one holding the spear. You know those things that can stab you from a comfortable distance?

"I will do as I please." Lord Sesshomaru stated. 'Apparently.'

"They you leave us with no choice." The one who had spoken before said. Four of them all simultaneously lunged forward to attack him. I started to run to help him but was blocked by a cloaked figure.

"Stay out of this." The cloak figure said to me.

"To hell I will!" I shouted then focused my energy counter clockwise as fast as I could but made sure that it was small enough to only affect him. He began to struggle then he fell to the ground. I ran to him and jumped over him and landed on top of a figure that was lunging for Lord Sesshomaru.

We fell to the ground and were sent rolling away. As soon as I could I jumped up and examined him. I sighed in relief when I saw he was the one with the two sticks. That is, until he smacked me with one of his sticks. The force caused me to snap my head to the side.

"Uhh....." I placed a hand to the spot I was strucked at and slowly looked back at the attacker. "Now, I'm angry." I hissed. The hit stung a bit but it wasn't enough to hinder me. I kicked the asshole in the face as hard as I could and he went down for the count. I was kind of disappointed that he went down so easily but I saw my chance. I stood over him then leaned down.

"You just got knocked the fuck out!"

"Isamu!" The one with the sword called. "We can't beat him! Even with the five of use it would have been a struggle now that he's got a equally powerful demon fighting with him too we just can't win." He said getting a nod from the attacker that spoke. He reached into his cloaked and pulled out a vial and threw it to the ground.

The surrounding area was engulfed in a thick fog. I sniffed around trying to get a read on where they were but I couldn't smell anything. It was like I had tissue up my nose.

I staggered around not making a sound when I felt someone grip my face. I tried to scream and struggle but he had a cloth in him palm and it was pressed over my nose and mouth. Blink, everything became unfocused. Blink, I felt light and my body relaxed. My attempts to get away were pathetic at this point. Blink, I was out cold.


"Where is Alex?" Lady Inukimi asked her son. She had come to check up on the two. She knew her son had an interest in Alex automatically. He would act on his intentions immediately, all she had to do was give them some time then swoop in get the word and start the plans for the celebration.

When she walked into the gardens, however, she was surprised to see her son standing alone among clearing smoke.

"Gone." Lord Sesshomaru said simply. He turned around and made to go back to the palace.

"Oh? And are you going after her?" Lady Inukimi asked.

"No." He said passing his mother.

"How far you have fallen." She said causing the Lord to freeze. "Your father is rolling in his grave I just know it. To think that you let a guest of yours and your intended mate to be stolen away right under your nose." She stated rather dramatically.

"She was weak."

"She's only been demon for four days now." Lady Inukimi said and continued when he looked over his shoulder at her. "She was cursed to live in a world not her own without her friends and family as a dog demon. Tragic really, I was just starting to see her as a daughter." Lady Inukimi proclaimed in mock despair. Lord Sesshomaru turned around and walked off to the gardens but more importantly, he headed towards the calm lands. Lady Inukimi smiled victoriously at her sons retreating back. She was his mother and knew how to pull his strings better than anyone else in the world.


"Omph." I groaned after being woken up by my head slapping against the floor. I opened my eye but much to my displeasure my wrist and ankles were bound. I tried as hard as I could to snap them or loosen them. The ropes began to bite into my skin painfully. I could feel the movement of whatever I was in. I stared to panic and worry about where I was being taken. I found myself questioning the intentions of the people who took me.

"Don't bother those ropes have been specifically made so no one can break, snap or slice that rope apart. The only way to get it off would be for one of us to untie you." A bored voice said from above causing me to freeze and slowly look up to its source.

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