Maybe I'm Dreaming

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Hello guy's I know it's been awhile but don't worry your awesome heads, I'm 42% done in my trade so yay! Anyways I'm going to be spelling and grammar checking all of my chapters, Jackie meets Jak is currently done, And to limit such mistakes I shall only be typing my stories on a laptop or computer cause my tablet has been an evil little shit so far, seriously the spell check is ridiculous on that thing and mistyping stuff is sooooo easy!!!!!! I was horrified at the amount of errors I had! I knew there was so but dang!!! By the way I missed you guys!!!

'It's hot!' I complained swinging my arms side to side, Chie groaned loudly. I know I had said it was hot multiple times that day but I was really hot! This last week has been absolute torture for Chie, Sesshomaru, and myself. I had snapped on Chie for being on my shoulder which made her snap back and jump off my shoulder. She decided to walk from that point on.

Sesshomaru and I hadn't been getting along very well either. He insisted that mating would ease some of my symptoms and make me less of a grouch, or as he put it 'hormonal female', which I could tell that female wasn't his choice word all I have to say to that is well played sir. I'm convinced he just wants some and with as icky as I fell I'm just not in the mood. I walked at his side as far away as possible. I tried to walk behind him but it just didn't feel right and he refused to let me get ahead of him. Honestly I was still perplexed by my need to walk beside him..........oh well perhaps it's a dog demon thing or some bullshit.

It wasn't so much that I was angry that he was trying. It was the fact that a couple of times he almost succeeded. Sesshomaru is pretty smart, actually he was too smart for his own good. He was learning through trial and error what stings to pull to bend me to his will. He was learning my little kinks and much to my horror he was liking what he was finding out. I liked being man handled and he was more than happy to oblige me when it came to that.

I had been taking a quick bath in a creek just to freshen up and cool down a bit. Everything was fine until this water dragon smelled me and attacked me. I was half asleep and was literally caught with my pants down in this situation. That dragon had swam up to me and took my thigh into its mouth and jammed downstream with me faster than a hot knife through butter.

Water Dragon Incident

I closed my eyes and let myself relax and enjoy the cold water against my scorching skin. I was feeling the Demonic "Heat" symptoms pretty heavily so I took off towards the nearest water source with so happen to be this shitty little creek but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit, am I right? I had been catching myself checking Sesshomaru out thinking impure thought more and more frequently lately so I was keeping a tight leash on myself buy making up and solving algebra questions but that only works to a certain extent. It did help that the bastard would know when I was and would smile smugly at me asking if there was anything I could do for me. I retorted with, get me a semi-truck so I can run you over then back up over your body until I feel better. To top everything off Chie was pissed at me for snapping at her and boy was she holding a grudge.

Luckily Sesshomaru was letting me have some privacy, but that I mean he was standing over behind a tree. I told him he looked like a creepy stalker gawking at me from there but he snorted and said he was none of the sort. Chie was chilling somewhere up in a tree which was probably heaven to her. In that second that I closed my eyes and let myself just relax and forget the world is when I felt something bit down onto my leg. I jolted up but whatever it was had dragged me under the water and was swimming away with me.

When I opened my eyes and looked down at my thigh I saw the head of a blue dragon. It was a traditional Japanese looking dragon. I growled not caring that I was under water and started clawing its face. He's mouth clamped harder and harder around my thigh. It finally snapped the bone in my leg and I screamed in agony while clawing with new purpose. Unfortunately I had let out all of the air in my lungs with that scream. I continued to fight off the dragon resorting to clawing out one of its eye.

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