Final Act 2

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I woke up in the tub. I freaked out not knowing where I was and what happened. I jumped when I felt a hand on my head. I twisted away from the touch and looked up at the person. My eyes were meet with black ones. I opened my mouth to start yelling at him but it dawned on me who he was and what had happened.

"I went out and bought you new clothes." He said emotionless like always. I shut my mouth and looked around.

"You were giving me a bath?" I asked.

"Grooming is one of the best ways to bond." He said picking up the rag and bar of soap. He picked up my leg and started scrubbing my foot.

"I remember me telling you that long ago but you don't have to now that I'm awake." I said sitting up and moving to grab the rag away from him.

"No." He said jerking the rag out of my reach. "I want to." He said looking as if he was daring me to try and deny him this. I sighed heavily and lifted up my leg to him. He gave a nod of approval and continued washing my foot throughly. I laid back down and closed my eyes. He worked his way up to my thighs slowly getting so close to my womanhood I had to fight not to squirm. Just before I thought he would touch me he picked up my next leg.

I sighed half out of releif and disappointment when he did. Once again he worked up to my thigh getting closer and closer to me. He then scrubbed my hips and picked up my hand. He took more time on them then my feet, playing with my fingers before moving up to my forearms and elbows. He pulled me up into a sitting possition and started scubbing my back and shoulders.

I sighed in contentment as he discarded the rag and started massaging my back. I looked up at him with half lidded eyes. He's face was completely focused in on what he was doing and if he kept it up I was going to pass out. Then he laid me back down until my hair was in the water. He lifted me back up and scrubbed my scalp and hair before ducking me down again.

"Can I wash the rest of myself now?" I asked when I sat up again. He shook his head then pointed up. I looked at him in confusion but after another gester for me to get up I did so. He widden my stance and rinsed out the rag he was using and appiled more soap. " don't have to do that part." I said then squeaked when he began scrubbing it anyways. "O...okay then, whatever makes you happy then." I blushed holding onto his shoulders. He took his sweet time scrubbing the outside of me. I bit my lip but my soft mew came out and seemed to echo throughout the bathroom.

He looked up with me with a ghost of a smile on his face. I blushed looking away from him and muttered sorry. He then started going inside my folds purposefully advoiding my clit as he did. I twitched at the teasing and tightened my grasp on his shoulders. After a minute I knew I was clean and it was just him playing with me. I started bucking into his hand and making little whimpers.

"If there is something you wish of me, all you have to do is ask." Sesshomaru said raising an eyebrow up at me as he slowly brushed over my clit.

"Omg! If your going to touch me just do it or stop so I can rinse off and go home." I growled grabbing a fist full of his hair. It was weird since it was short and black but it made due. He nodded and cupped his hands in the water and brought it up to my pussy. He did this several times until I was soap free.

He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and handed it to me then used another towel to start drying me. I widden my stance and started working on my hair. While the towel was over my head he grabbed me by the hips and lead me until I was against the counter. I didn't get any warning as to what he was doing. He grabbed my arms with on arm caging them against me and pressing flush onto him. He pressed his free hand up into me stroking my clit between two fingers.

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