Mother Natures Gift to all Women

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Shin, Koaru and I have been traveling around the south for a week now. The leaves are all now turning beautiful shades of red, yellow orange and brown. Fall was here and it smelled amazing! I couldn't wait for winter though. I always loved winter the most. Staying inside snuggled up with a blanket playing a video game or watching YouTube videos. Building snowmen and snow forts. The snow was just so pretty.

On our quest to rid the South of demons or humans that are a no good to society we have killed, three bands of bandits, four lizard demons, a lizard dragon hybrid again. Yeah, I didn't get hurt this time. The most fucked up thing that happened was that a hawk demon swooped up Shin.

Those hawk demons were incredibly fast in the air. I had no chance of catching up to them if I flew so I had to run after them. Which was awful to see him dangling from the claws of his own kind. That guy got no mercy from me when I finally caught up to him. The second Kaoru yanked Shin from his talons I fired up the staff and shot him.

It was different seeing it happen to a living thing then it was a lava pit. The he was drawn to the spot on his body. His bones snapped and cracked as he was formed into a ball. Then his body was pushed outwards then it disappeared altogether.

Shin took it better than I had expected. He justify that it didn't matter to him because it's not like his clan had ever treated him as if he was a part of it anyways. He said he did mind because he was now apart of my family and that meant more to him then his clan. I was the one in tears then, it was just so sweet.

We were traveling incredibly slowly on purpose. I wanted to catch as much bad guys as I could in on sweep. Maybe if I was lethal enough the demons and humans would get that there was a new sheriff in town. Then maybe they will reconsider their way of life. I was also visiting every single village I could find. I was trying to show them to be suspicious of demons but not to be hateful of them.

Some, although difficult, did eventually say that they would practice my new way of viewing demons. Others weren't so easy to deal with. I had to give up on these villages and move on. It was like arguing with a brick wall. I could break said wall but that wouldn't look good on my record nor would I be able to justify doing it. I brushed it off and made a mental note to try again when the South had become tamer.

I could really blame them completely, some villages were plagued by demons. We killed them when we found them and earned the trust of those villages. One demon had possessed the leader of the village and ordered them all to attack us. It was a pain in my ass to be careful not to hurt the humans and get to the demon. It was even more difficult when the demon refused to get out knowing we wouldn't hurt the human he had taken over.

We booked it out of their with the demon possessed human and ran to the nearest village that we knew had a monk or miko. It ended up being a monk, who to say the least, was very surprised by my request. He forced the demon out and I took great joy killing the slimy bastard. After that we took the leader back to his village. They were very grateful that I saved the leader and the village.

We were walking down this winding dirt road that clearly isn't used much. It was mid-day but the clouds were thick in the air. I was hoping it would rain soon. As we walked I started to get hot, not overly so but enough to notice it.

After a few hours I started to cramp and feel something wet between my legs. 'Noooo.' I groaned mentally. 'I was hoping that my period would be forever forgotten now that I'm a demon!'

"Alex......" Kaoru said in the most serious voice that he had ever used in my presence. It lit all my nerve endings on fire.

"Yes?" I asked him. I grew nervous and twitchy all of the sudden. The cramps weren't helping the nerves either if anything. It was making it a lot worse.

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