Stable Land

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It took us three months of fighting, three mouths of blood. Three months of having to deal with Lord Sesshomaru and Isamu's depression. Three months of the twins trying to constantly cheer us up. I was soooo ready to go home. It was awful, I felt like just nuking the south. Mass southern genocide AWAY! Ugh, we were resting for the first time in three weeks when a dragon came into our camp. Everyone instantly got on guard but I didn't think anyone would be that stupid. I mean he was alone, in an enemy camp. I ordered my men down and proceeded to the dragon. He was long and green with feathers running down his back. He felt fairly powerful, not as powerful as the pink dragon I took down. It lowered its head upon my arrival.

"You have business here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"My Lord has sent me to inform you that we will no longer be attacking your lands." He said slightly shocking me that he could talk. I was expecting a scroll or something else, not him to start flapping his jaw.

"Oh, how generous of you." I mocked. "Leave, your purpose has been fulfilled least you wish for death." I warned. He nodded his head took to the skies. I watched him go and breathed and inward sigh of relief. 'No more bloodshed! At least until they raise up their army once again.'

"Jun, how long do you think it will take for them to come back." I asked sparing a glance over at her. A few weeks back she and her branch of the army found us. The East wasn't that much of a problem. The only reason it took so long for them to back down was out of stubbornness and pride. According to rumors the East was now having a civil war among the demons in its weakened state. They wouldn't be bothering me anytime soon, I just hoped the leader was killed. Maybe someone with a brain and common sense would be put in charged, wasn't going to hold my breath on it though.

"I wouldn't expect a serious attack for the best part of a century." She said after thinking for a bit. The light of the fire casted shadows on her wrinkled face making her seem all the more serious.

"Soo....we go home now?" I asked in a light hearted voice.

"Hn, you are to come with me." Lord Sesshomaru's voice said behind me scaring the shit out of me. I jumped back and did a few karate chops in the air before relaxing. He look down on me, unimpressed.

"What? Why....." I asked then my eyes widened in sudden realization. Ohhhh noooo! Not that! Anything but that.' My heart speed up and my face heated. It didn't help that he just continued to look at me. 'Can we get that dragon back? I would like to file a complaint! This war didn't last nearly as long as I wanted it to!' I panicked in my head. "O...ohhh." I stammered out. He turned around and began walking off. His general Aoi stood at attention as his Lord walked by. Lord Sesshomaru gave him a shallow nod then continued on his way. Next thing I know is that orders were passed through his army to return home. Jun then began passing around the orders that the men could all go home now. I couldn't help but to feel betrayed. It wasn't fair!

"I'll accompany you to the Western Palace, but I won't stay for the....celebrating." Isamu said bringing me out of the turmoil in my head. Chie leaped from his shoulder to mine with a huff. Chie had finally grown fond of me but still got annoyed by my antics. I didn't care I was just happy for her to finally think of me as friend.

"Thanks Isamu, I don't blame you at all! I was afraid I would have to go alone."

"That wouldn't be the case in any situation. I will be staying will you until after the mating process has been fulfilled." Katsu said in his gruff voice. He didn't seem too happy about the whole mating thing. Jun and Katsu have been very kind to me ever since Hideaki's death and I've come to see them as parental figures. I wasn't so sure they saw me the same but at times it felt like it.

"Oh, thanks Katsu! You don't know how better it will feel having someone I trust to go to." I said with a wide grin. 'Though having a female would make me feel better about possibly asking questions. However having a male makes me feel, protected.

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