The first encounter

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Finally, we were in enemy lands now. And I must say, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Only three demons have attacked us in the last twenty four hours. I mean latterly the second we crossed we were attacked by a skunk demon. A ducking skunk demon! Poor Jaken is still not allowed with in twenty feet of us because he got sprayed. Heck even a twenty feet I could still smell him. The next demon was an ogre. He was big, he was strong, and he was fucking stupid. Turns out the twins love facing ogres. They said it was funny to mess with them. I said it was because they found something stupider then them, they took off offense to that.

The next one was a lizard dragon demon hybrid. I mean both demons are good in their own ways, dragons kick more ass, but to put them together? I want to meet the asshole who thought that would be a good idea and deck him. Honestly it's not we didn't already have enough problems. I was so tired of the shut I might have gone overboard in killing the fucker. That was before threatening to make a purse out of his hide, and some other choice words.

To be honest, I think the army idea would have been less stressful. Not to mention my face was latterly a third melted off right now. Yeah, its acid is three times stronger than normal lizards. That means three times the pain, which equals slow painful death for it. The boy will never look at me the same way again.

"Fuck....errrrr......ducks!Sasuke a duck butt!" I growled trying to use comedy to distract myself from the pain. It felt like my face was still ever so slowly melting away.

"Do you think we should do something?" Koaru asked in an almost whimper.

"What can we do? I'm surprised her face hasn't melted completely off by now." Hikaru said.

"Shut......up......" I growled out at them with my hand hovering over the hole in my face. It was just under my left eye, it ate threw my cheek to the point that my teeth where showing. How do I know? Because and I quote, 'at least we know you have very white healthy teeth.' Yep, Hikaru was going to be paying for that comment latter. For now, I had to focus on this fucking acid eating my face off. I could feel myself regenerating my flesh but it was just eating it back up. It was slowing down as it dried out thankfully, but I still had a ways to fucking go. Sesshomaru expressed no verbal worry over me but I caught him looking at me every so often.

The fireflies were all crowding around me, somewhere crying. Others just whimpered while the rest were hopeful I'll be okay. Their pity was touching but the twins weren't. It would have been okay if it wasn't for the fact I was pissed at them. I know if I wasn't in so much pain and was scared shitless at the time I would have laughed off the comment. I was exhausted, the sun was rising and someone up their smiled down at me because that meant I could sleep.

I immediately lead the group to a cave and laid down on a patch of moss and let myself sleep. Sesshomaru placed himself at the nearest tree to me and watched me. My sleep was filled with the sounds of the morning birds, the monkeys fussing over me along with the smell of Jaken that was growing faint. Thank you Shiva! It was dark in my dream and I didn't think of anything. My sense were just on high alert since I was hurt.

When I woke up the boys were standing over me. They were just looking down at me. I reached up cautiously to my face and was relieved to feel my cheek back. "What are you looking at?" I asked them drowsily.

"Nothing, your face is healed is all, not even a scar was left behind." Koaru informed me as I sat up. I looked to Sesshomaru and inclined my head up in acknowledgement. I felt around my face and found that it was as smooth and flawless as before.

"That sucks, I wanted to look like a bad ass. People would be like, how did you get that scar? I would be like, oh this? Fought a dragon lizard hybrid. You think this is bad! You should have seen what I did to it." I said then chortled lightly.

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