Chapter Three

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The three siblings sat on the floor of the nursery, their imaginations taking them on adventures through dangerous perils or high above the clouds atop dragons. They giggled when Jace challenged Luke to a battle, the latter ultimately defeated in the end and monologuing during his long and slow death. Ser Harwin laughed with them, finding their make-believe battles amusing. Dyaena voiced she wished to change her character from the princess in distress to a knight in order to avenge her brother.

"You can't be a knight! You're a girl," Luke whined from beyond the grave.

"And you're supposed to be dead," Jace countered. "Go on then, Ser Dyaena, let's see if you can best me in combat!"

Smirking happily, she readied her invisible sword. Jace liked making her smile in the time they got to spend together, especially since that time had been lessening in recent years due to he and Luke training while she was being taught the ways of a proper lady. He wished it wasn't so. Jace missed the years when the two were inseparable.

Dyaena wasted no time lunging directly for his chest. He saw it coming but didn't bother to guard, instead falling to the ground and clutching his fantasy mortal wound. Standing alone in victory, her face betrayed clear dissatisfaction with her empty triumph.

"Not fair, you let me win!" she cried, pouting angrily at her twin.

"No, I did not!" Jace retaliated as he stood. In truth he did, but it wasn't out of pity.

"Yes, he did," Luke said as he stood as well. The three argued for a time before Ser Harwin intervened.

"All right, all right you three, your mother should be arriving any minute. I doubt she would want to see her children fighting amongst themselves." The three reluctantly put an end to their bickering and returned to their toys. Jace gave Dyaena the small dragon figurine while he and Luke used the toy soldiers.

The heat of their pretend battle had come to a crescendo, and he wasn't sure how many minutes had passed before the doors opened once more to reveal their mother and father, the latter carrying the newest addition to their family.

As Rhaenyra slowly and unsteadily made her way into the room, Ser Harwin rose from beside the children, who soon followed suit, to welcome them.

"Mother," Jace exclaimed as Rhaenyra clutched onto the back of an ornate bench for stability, "look." Jace returned to the green pot on the table along with Dyaena and before he opened the lid to show their mother the egg.

"We chose an egg for the baby," Luke said proudly.

"Ahh, that looks like the perfect one," Rhaenyra breathed, accepting Ser Harwin's arm as she lowered herself onto the bench.

"I let Luke choose," Jace added, remembering how indecisive his little brother was when it came to making the decision.

"Thank you, Jace," Luke whispered to him, to which Jace smiled down at him. Jace looked over to his twin on the other side of him. She was still looking down at the egg, her right hand hovering near her left wrist, before she looked away and let her hands fall to her sides.

"Not everyday an egg leaves the Dragonpit, princess. I thought it best to escort the lads," Ser Harwin proclaimed. Jace leaned down towards Dyaena.

"I wish you could have joined us, to help pick," he whispered to her.

"And I wish I had a dragon of my own, so I could always join you," Dyaena muttered back, eyes casted downwards and a frown etched on her face. Guilt long weighed heavily on his shoulders, knowing it was unfair that his egg hatched in the cradle while hers did not, but there was little he could do to remedy it, which made him feel all the more guiltier. He was her older brother--even if only by a few minutes--and that made Jace feel obligated to protect her from all that could harm her. But knowing he was powerless in curing what ailed his twin the most--if he had the power to hatch her egg for her, he would--always haunted his mind with each visit to the Dragonpit.

"Laenor and I thank you, Commander," Rhaenyra spoke in a soft voice.

"Another boy, I heard," Ser Harwin said. Jace replaced the pot's lid once more. "Might I?" There was something hanging in the air between them all that Jace couldn't quite put his finger on. His eyes danced between his parents and Ser Harwin, trying to determine what it was.

"Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey," Rhaenyra permitted, looking expectantly towards Laenor.

Their father's face held an emotion that was unknown to Jace as he looked at his wife and then Ser Harwin. His expression quickly returned to normal before saying, "Of course," and reluctantly handing over their newborn brother to the commander.

"Joffrey, is it?" Ser Harwin accepted the babe with gentle arms, and Jace could have sworn, for just a moment, he saw a flash of pride as he stared down at the newest Velaryon. He had seen that look before, he realized, when he and Luke were doing well with their training.

"Father, please may I hold Joffrey?" Luke asked eagerly, reaching for the babe. Jace wished to hold him too, but instead tried to pull Luke's prying hands away. Dyaena was standing quietly next to them, the corners of her mouth rising in amusement at Luke's impatience.

"No, no, back to the Dragonpit for you two," Laenor protested as he ushered the boys towards the doors. "Before they send out a search party." Jace looked back as he passed the threshold, his eyes meeting Dyaena's violet ones, her face filled with longing.

Jace did not think twice before exclaiming, "Can Dyaena join us this time?" Their father halted at his words, pondering them for a moment, before looking towards his wife, wishing to hear her thoughts on the matter. Rhaenyra said nothing for several heartbeats before looking towards her only daughter, who looked back with eager eyes.

"Please," Dyaena pleaded.

Rhaenyra sighed heavily before letting silence fall over them once more. "It is a day of celebration," she began, slowly. "All right, you may join them today."

The room seemed to glow a bit brighter when Dyaena grinned at their mother's allowance. She rushed over and gently gave Rhaenyra a hug before showering her with endless thanks. Jace grinned with her as the three left together, for the first time, to head to the Dragonpit. The giddiness emanating from his twin was contagious as the siblings laughed and raced their way to the wheelhouse.

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