Chapter Thirteen

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The head of the Dread...

It was not secret knowledge that the skull of Balerion had been placed beneath the Red Keep after his death, but knowing how to find it was the mystery. The very same tunnels that Dyaena had used to travel to the yard were connected to a web that spread all throughout the castle and beyond--Daemon had told her that Maegor even had one of them constructed to lead out to the cliffs should an escape be necessary--though she was never daring enough back then to explore more than what she already knew.

But now, as she walked back to the Holdfast with a frenetic thrill tingling up and down her spine, the sound of rain pattering steadily on stone melding with the sound of her shoes hitting the floor, her reservations towards venturing into uncharted territory were null. She would search all night if it meant getting to secretly sneak away from the castle with the man she was eager to get to know again, and to ride with him atop his dragon. Just the mere thought of soaring through the air with him sitting so close behind her caused the molten feeling to return to her abdomen.

As Dyaena ascended the stairs to her chambers' floor, her echoing footfalls were joined by another's from above. Raising her eyes to search for their owner, her chest clenched tight, her tongue turned to ash, and a cold sweat dampened the back of her neck at the sight of the man that she had been foolishly optimistic she could avoid during their visit. Even in the dim light she could see he looked even worser for wear than how she remembered him. Bowing her head so that her hair curtained the sides of her face, she hoped it was enough to get him not to notice her as they neared one another.

"Seven fucking hells," Aegon proclaimed as he paused his descent only a few paces away. She could smell the wine on his breath even from where she now stood frozen.

Fuck. There was no point in pretending she hadn't noticed him either, so she raised her head to meet his eyes. Her face was steady, but her heart was a fierce drum in her ears.

"I was beginning to wonder when I would bump into you, niece," he slurred slightly as he took another step down towards her, his eyes travelling towards her chest.

"Uncle, I see you haven't changed much in these past years." There was a barely perceptible waver in her voice. Glancing all around them, she had never wanted someone else to wander by so badly before, but much to her displeasure, they were quite alone with not a peep of another's company.

"I see you have, though." Another step towards her. "You have grown... much." And another. Aegon was now level with her, and she slowly backed up until the cold wall touched her back to put some more distance between them. "I'm trying to find my brother, but he seems to have disappeared. Do you happen to know his whereabouts?"

"Yes," she said with an edge. "Daeron left for Oldtown many years ago, or were you too drunk then as well to remember?" Aegon smirked and snickered as he took one more step towards her, making her realize just how much she cornered herself as the scent of wine overwhelmed. Should he try anything, her only hope was that he was so far in his cups that his inebriation would hinder his reflexes. But even given his current state, Aegon was taller, stronger, and would likely have a dagger on his person, something she very much wished was strapped to her own waist right then.

"Ahh, Dyaena, your tongue is as sharp as ever. You know which brother I'm talking about. I had thought that the two of you would have been inseparable from the moment you arrived, but I appear to be mistaken. It seems Aemond no longer cares for you as much he used to. But," he said as he took one final step towards her, his body nearly touching her own as he leaned his hands on the wall on either side of her, locking her in place, "if you ever want to put that sharp tongue of yours to good use, I'll be happy to warm your bed in his stead."

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