Chapter Five

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The wheelhouse rocked back and forth as it passed over the bumpy cobblestone road. The entire trip had been filled with enthusiastic chatter and wide-eyed expressions as Jace and Luke explained what they would be doing that day. Dyaena couldn't remember the last time she had seen Vermax or Arrax, but no doubt would the former be much bigger than the size of a small kitten by now.

As soon as the carriage door opened, the three ran as quickly as they could up the stone stairs. Luke tripped a few times, Dyaena bunched the front of her skirt in her fists in order to not do the same, and Jace was shouting encouragement at them when he reached the top first. The guards struggled to keep up with the rambunctious Velaryon children, their ascension hindered by the shining silver armor protecting them from head to toe.

Upon entering the pit, Dyaena looked around and took it all in as if for the first time. When she last visited years ago at the age of seven, she had attempted to claim a dragon, and she recalled how disappointed she felt as she walked away with her head low and cheeks wet with tears, her mother's hand squeezing hers as she tried to soothe Dyaena before they stepped out into the public eye. Although the Dragonpit's appearance was a vague memory to her, the smell was not as easily forgotten.

This day, however, she was just to observe and learn, and was content. It may have been crumbs if the opportunity were to be presented to her brothers, but to her, it was a feast after being starved of it for so long.

Falling into Jace's footsteps beside him, they walked towards the center of the pit where the others were waiting. Dyaena saw there were several keepers standing patiently with their staffs, along with two others, both adorning the pale hair of old Valyria. The two silver brothers dressed in green turned upon hearing the three darker children approach, their expressions puzzled when they caught sight of Dyaena.

"What is she doing here?" Aegon sneered, his eyes meeting hers before they unabashedly looked her over. A shiver ran down her body and a cold sweat dampened the back of her neck.

"Our mother said she could join us today," Jace defended. Dyaena nodded at Aegon before her eyes met Aemond's much softer and sadder gaze. They exchanged small smiles with each other in greeting. Dyaena hadn't spent much time with them or Helaena growing up, and even less so with Daeron, but during the time that she did, she preferred Aemond's company over the others. Aegon was older, unlikable in every sense, and always made her feel uneasy, while Helaena kept everyone at arm's length, preferring to close herself off, though she wished she knew how to approach her gentle aunt. Daeron resided in Oldtown with their Hightower relatives as their ward, so it's been a few years since they last spoke. She found Aemond easier to talk to and oft enjoyed his company when given the chance. There was a natural gravitation between the two that she felt stemmed from both of them being denied what others in their family were given freely.

Two of the keepers walked down the stairs that led to the underground caverns after announcing they were going to retrieve Vermax for Jacaerys. He was to work on strengthening their bond today, something Dyaena couldn't wait to see. As Jace stood at the forefront awaiting his dragon, she stood behind him next to Aemond. He was two years older than her and already several inches taller, so she had to look up as they locked eyes once more, though neither said anything as they waited.

All of them heard Vermax before they saw him. While his chains clanged and his claws scraped stone, a rumbling purr emitted from his throat as he stepped into the light. Dyaena gasped as she saw the green and orange beast, who had grown to nearly to the size of a small horse, start to show his discontent for his restraints. He terrified yet intrigued her. She felt a pull of an invisible thread attached to her chest, urging her to get closer to the dragon, but her mind reminded her that approaching him would be dangerous and stupid, so she mentally severed it. He wasn't hers to control and could easily kill her.

The keepers maintained their strong grip of the chains and commanded in Valyrian for Vermax to hold. After the head keeper ordered them to let the fledgling beast loose in order for Vermax to approach Jace, the thumping in Dyaena's chest quickened at thought of Vermax roaming freely, and she hoped that the keepers knew what to do in case Jace couldn't control his dragon.

A yawn was heard from Aegon as the keepers stripped Vermax of his restraints. Leaning forward slightly to look at him, she saw a bored expression, making Dyaena wonder how he could be so at ease.

Maybe that's what happens when you are accustomed to being around them for a long time, she thought, but she herself couldn't fathom how one could practically stare death in its slitted eyes and be that unbothered.

The green creature trilled as he lowered his head and began approaching them a little too quickly for comfort now that no one held him back. It caused Dyaena's breath to hitch in her throat like a trap snapping onto a leg of an animal. She heard Aegon laugh at her skittishness, and she felt her cheeks burn scarlet. She balled her fists at her side, the fire spreading from her face to her heart, but it was quickly extinguished when her right hand was encapsulated by another's. She looked down to see it belonged to Aemond, who gave her a reassuring nod, before she unclenched her hand in his.

"Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys," a younger keeper told her brother. Vermax had closed much of the distance between them by then, but Dyaena kept her faith in her brother as he gave his commands to his dragon. Defiant he was, though, as he raised his head to tower over Jace. Her brother made the mistake of showing his uncertainty when he glanced at the head keeper for instruction, causing Vermax to hiss and approach further. Dyaena felt her eyes grow wide and wondered how far the keepers were willing to let him go. At last, with a "kelītīs", Vermax obeyed Jace and halted.

A quiet groan was heard beside her, and she hadn't realized she was squeezing Aemond's hand until then. Apologizing, she loosened her grip and felt a welcome relief wash over her like a cool rain after a long drought. The sound of hooves on stone came from the stairs as a keeper led a goat towards a weighty stone block near the edge of the pit. Vermax had smelled it immediately and his attention was no longer on Jace.

The dragon slowly crept towards the goat despite having not been given permission, and her brother called for Vermax several times before a dragon keeper commanded Vermax to halt. The green beast gave a roar that embodied his frustration with authority, and Dyaena knew then that Jace still had a ways to go in his own lessons.

The head keeper spoke to Jace while the younger keeper translated, saying that once he is fully bound with Vermax, just as Aegon was with Sunfyre, Vermax would refuse to take instruction from anyone but Jace. Dyaena couldn't imagine having that deep of a bond with something--or someone--so fierce and powerful; a partner that would even kill for her if she ordered it so.

"Can I say it?" Jace could barely contain his glee, and Dyaena knew that the poor animal was about to be Vermax's meal. He looked back at them, smiling wide, eyes briefly noticing Dyaena's hand clutching onto Aemond's, before turning back around and saying the words that were the goat's death sentence.

"Dracarys, Vermax."

The eager dragon obeyed and strode over to the helpless tethered goat. Fire roared from his throat and seared the animal to death, its squeals filling the pit. A part of Dyaena wanted to look away, but her eyes were helplessly ensnared as the goat silenced. She watched as Vermax ripped into the charred flesh with his teeth and felt the nausea creep sourly up her throat. Her hand released her uncle's as she swallowed the rising bile and walked towards Jace, trying to not let her uneasiness slip through the cracks of her composure--she did not want them to see her as squeamish and have it be the reason for her not to return to the pit. She would be strong, even if she had to fake it.

"Well done, Jace. Vermax has grown so much," she smiled at him. Pride flashed in his eyes as they watched the dragon feast. All was well, until they heard the sly voice of their Uncle Aegon speak.

"Aemond, we have a surprise for you."

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