-Chapter 3 - Don't Panic-

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                     "You know you'd think Leopardwillow would be less bossy as just the deputy." Darkpaw complained, Leopardwillow caught him skipping hunting with Slivermoon because he complained to be 'too tired'. It's safe to assume that she wasn't happy with this response and told Slivermoon who gave him elder duties. Ruby walked past Darkpaw with a snicker her bright cream tail wacking him in the face. "Hey!" he protested though it had been a moon maybe longer since Ruby came into the clan she was definitely interesting to say the least. She often would disappear for long periods of time and come back with an abundance of prey - some warriors accused her of stealing prey from Lakeclan's territory but no patrol actually admitted seeing such a thing. In fact she would usually go out of both clan territories when doing this and because Timberstar had grown a disliking for the she-cat - probably because of her similar appearance to Flamestar he didn't mind her leaving camp all that much.

Panthershadow came out of the warrior's den later than she had hoped though no cat had said anything she suspected it to do with either Wolfstorm or Slivermoon telling other cats to let her sleep in. This didn't go over well with Leopardwillow and she ended up having a conversation with Darkpaw. Though she didn't have elder duties she did have Ruby duties which meant she was supposed to be watching her. "I'm sure Leopardwillow has her reasons for being so bossy. It's what makes a good deputy afterall." Panthershadow responded with a yawn. Darkpaw glared at her probably for disagreeing with him but shrugged "I'm sure." he mocked before grabbing a few small voles and padding to the elder's den.

Panthershadow thought this a good time to take a nap. She had already taken Ravenpaw out and couldn't help but think about her becoming a warrior. Ravenstep would be a good warrior name she thought, though it all really depended on Timberstar's name ideas. Panthershadow didn't really have a strong bond with Timberstar, he was more focused on his tom kits than he was on his she-kit. Even when he had time outside of being leader he'd usually talk with either Wolfstorm or Sprucefeather. She could tell Sprucefeather was his favorite though he'd never admit such a thing but did he have to? Sprucefeather was a good warrior and a good hunter something that allowed both toms to bond better.

Panthershadow didn't exactly fit into her parents categories as a 'strong warrior' or 'good hunter' it's how she got the name 'shadow' instead of something else. She always blended into the background. You don't need me to tell you of your failures The familiar voice ringing in her head. She pawed at her ears but the echoes still continued "Something wrong Panthershadow?" Ivyspirit asked cocking her head to the side. "No i'm good thanks though." Panthershadow said with a forced smile hoping Ivyspirit would buy it. "Have you seen Dovesong- she hasn't been back and she said she was out looking for herbs." Ivyspirit continued thinking for a moment of the situation.

Panthershadow shook her head "Should we look for her?" she questioned. "I can't leave camp with Dovesong gone, I'll ask Leopardwillow or Timberstar if you and a few other warriors can go out looking for her though."

In a few moments Timberstar, Panthershadow and Thunderblossom were looking in the forest for Dovesong. Timberstar had long since been past the point of worried and was now frantically looking for Dovesong going as far as calling out her name. Panthershadow and Thunderblossom often exchanged worried glances and sniffed the air around them in hopes of finding their aunt. "Where do you think she could be, it's getting dark." Thunderblossom said with a worried glance around the trees. "I'm sure she's fine we shouldn't panic." Panthershadow said with a sigh though she was worried about the white she-cat with little fighting abilities. "Dovesong!" Timberstar yowled, "she's not here we've been looking for over-" Panthershadow's words died in her throat when she took in the scene before them. A large rattlesnake was prepared to strike an already wounded Dovesong who still had dutifully collected herbs in her mouth.

"Dovesong!" Thunderblossom and Panthershadow cried in unison, Timberstar and the girls leapt into action, claws extended. Dovesong was wincing her paw dripping blood in the shape of two small holes, snakebites. Timberstar lunged for the snake in fury Dovesong was soon protected by Thunderblossom who growled protectively at the snake. Panthershadow joined her father in lunging for the snake except she was more weary of it's venom. Timberstar bit into it's scales and wrapped his claws around it's throat. The snake recoiled, one strike, Timberstar didn't seem to care about the bite wound on his paw and lunged for the snake again. Panthershadow ripped her claws into it's scales on it's head this caused the snake to swerve around towards her. Timberstar grabbed the snake's throat with his paws and bit down on it's head, two strike. Dovesong was already weak one could tell from the way she was precariously leaning against Thunderblossom.

"Take her back to camp!" Panthershadow yowled as she went in for the snake's eyes. Timberstar had begun clawing it's underbelly and blood had begun pouring from it's wounds. Thunderblossom had Dovesong on her back laying limp as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. "Panthershadow!" Timberstar yowled getting his daughter's attention. Panthershadow swiped at the scaled creature and it lunged for Timberstar once more three strike. This time it's shot hit home and it bit down onto Timberstar's back with rage. He let out a furious yowl and Panthershadow used the snake's fury as an advantage biting down on it's head until she felt blood.

The snake fell to the ground and this time it didn't get back up, it's breathing was ragged hinting it was alive but neither cats had time to think of the snake - Timberstar was losing a life. But if Timberstar was dying did that mean...? Panthershadow didn't find out how Timberstar was doing he had nine lives, but Dovesong she only had one. Don't worry Dovesong we're going to help you Panthershadow winced internally at how broken her voice sounded to her conscious. By the time she had arrived at camp everything was in chaos Ivyspirit and Lilypad were running around camp in distress along with a few other cats who wanted to know what was going on. "Is Dovesong okay?" Panthershadow demanded to a disheartened looking Thunderblossom. Thunderblossom didn't answer and more yowls could be heard in the medicine den "Is Dovesong okay, Thunderblossom?!" Panthershadow yowled louder this time. "I don't know!" Thunderblossom sobbed, Rusttail - who had been there before Panthershadow put his paw around her shoulder to comfort her. Panthershadow's eyes welled with tears. Timberstar was limping when he came into camp though it seemed he longed to know the answer Panthershadow had been waiting to hear, his eyes were wide and his pelt ragged from running all the way back. "No!" Ivyspirit's wailing filled the camp and Timberstar raced towards the medicine den Lilypad right behind him.

There was silence and a heart-wrenching sob. The sob was male. Timberstar found out Dovesong was dead. 



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