-Faded Memories - Ivyspirit's Vision-

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        Ivyspirit was panicking that much she knew, she should have just gone out with Dovesong to get the herbs and now her beloved mentor was dead. This was a terrible idea she wasn't even fit to be a medicine cat let alone the only one in camp. If Lakeclan came now they would surely lose. What was she going to do?! Ivyspirit hardly noticed her mother's presence in the entryway of the medicine den, "Ivspirit is something bothering you?" Lynxdawn asked her tail swishing back and forth, and her eyes filled with worry for her kit. Ivyspirit put on a bright and cheery smile and nodded though this did little to appease Lynxdawn, "you need to get some rest you know." she told her. What it was sun down already!? Ivyspirit worried, she was supposed to go out and look in the nursery for possible medicine cat apprentices today!

Now all the kits would be asleep and she would have to look tomorrow, if she didn't have any patients to treat that was. Who knew what cat could come in with a cough or hurt limb?! Maybe even green or white cough. Ivyspirit knew if she was the only medicine cat in camp if a green or white cough outbreak started there would be no help whatsoever, this just made her fret even more. "Ivyspirit, your a fine young cat I trust and so do the clan that you are capable of taking care of us." Lynxdawn meowed putting her tail on Ivyspirit's back in an attempt to comfort her. Ivyspirit shook of her mother's comfort with a single nod "thank you Lynxdawn but I must be getting some rest now, I have a lot to do tomorrow." she told her starting to pad towards her nest. Lynxdawn sighed and gave one last worried glance at Ivyspirit before padding out of the medicine den and into the warrior's den. Ivyspirit yawned, she supposed she was tired and a little sleep might help her think straight.

 When she fell asleep however she felt herself wake up and she recognized immediately she must be in a dream, "Ivyspirit." a voice called out to her through the undergrowth. "Dovesong, is that you?" she asked hesitantly. Dovesong appeared out of the brush with a kind smile though her eyes shone worry even when in Starclan. "You shall lead one who is blue and silver to the path of a medicine cat but be warned while he may have the skill he will not have the loyalty. However you must trust he is on the correct path no matter how often it may seem wrong." Dovesong meowed her sapphire-blue eyes sparkling in the light. "But what does that mean! Who am I supposed to lead here?! Did you mean in Forestclan or outside the clans, what am I supposed to do! I can't do this without you Dovesong!" Ivyspirit pleaded hoping desperately for an answer.

Dovesong laughed "You already have done me great pride by taking over for me as the senior medicine cat of Forestclan, Ivyspirit don't doubt yourself." she purred before fading away. "Wait! Who am I supposed to lead here!" Ivyspirit shouted but her meows were drowned out by the wind as she felt her eyes closing. Startled Ivyspirit bolted up out of her nest with a confused mew, "New medicine apprentice?" she pondered, her tail flicking back and forth in thought.



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