Chapter 2

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Today was the day of the premiere. The Make Up team and stylist were there for them both. Y/N smiled as he watched Lizzie get all her make up on, not that she needed it. He thought she looked beautiful without it. Lizzie found his eyes through the mirror and gave him an endearing smile which he returned.

The stylist was soon ushering him to get dressed making him groan as Lizzie laughed. He trudged up the stairs and put on the black suit with dark red accents to match The Scarlet Witch. He decided that he would be there as her date. He wanted to celebrate her biggest movie with her.

When he was ready, he walked downstairs to be ushered by the hair stylist. He wondered were his wife was now but his eyes soon found her walking down the stairs in a black suit. He smiled at how comfortable she looked in the suit. She smiled when she saw that Clay had him in the chair getting his hair done.

"You look stunning my love." He told her through the mirror with a wide smile which only made hers wider.

"You look dashing." She smirked as she thought of multiple things she could do to him right now if the guys weren't here.

"All done." Clay said as Y/N looked at his hair in the mirror.

"I literally just had my hair like this." He stated as Clay smirked.

"Well, it's short and there isn't much I can do with it. Maybe grow it a little and a beard and I may consider turning you to play for our team." He teased Y/N as Lizzie slapped her best friends shoulder.

"He is mine." Lizzie tilted her head making Y/N chuckle as she brought out her inner Wanda. He loved her when she would never lose any character that she had played. Each character becomes a part of her.

"You ready my love?" Y/N asked Lizzie with a smile as he stood from the seat.

"I'm ready." She smiled before he leant down for a kiss but she stopped him. "Lipstick." Was all she said but he just shrugged and stole a kiss. He smiled goofily at her as she shook her head. He had his assistant running as agent for today while he celebrated his wife.

"Make sure that the security no their positions. We don't want any stray fans on the carpet." Y/N started to talk work with Jen, his assistant. Lizzie rested her hand on his thigh and made him look towards her.

"Jen has got this. Let's enjoy today. Together and no work. Just us." She spoke softly.

"And a thousand screaming fans." He said as she nodded with a laugh.

"But I have my biggest fan beside me." She said as their noses rubbed together.

"Always." He whispered before she kissed him. It didn't take long to arrive as Jen explained with Lizzie what she was supposed to do. Y/N couldn't help but smile as Jen reminded him of a younger version of himself. She was determined and willing to work with the client and not have the client work for them. He knows that it won't be long until he lets her have her own clients and he will have to find another assistant.

"Are you ready my love?" Y/N asked as the car stopped. Lizzie took a deep breath and smiled with a nod. He opened the door and got out reaching his hand to help the goddess herself. She smiled thankfully at him and kissed his cheek. They walked hand in hand down the start of the red carpet before Lizzie went to do photos and interact with the fans. "I think you may be ready to have your own client list soon." He told Jen as they watched Lizzie interact with her fans.

"Oh my god. I am a huge fan." One fan spoke excited as Lizzie beamed at them smiling as she signed the posters and other merch.

"Wow. Thank you." She beamed at them.

"I love you Lizzie." She heard one fan say.

"I love you too!!" She shouted. It was nothing new how she loved her fans. But little did she know that those words would bring something unexpected.

She was ushered along to the interview portion. Y/N stood back and watched as she enjoyed her moment in the sun. He was proud of the woman she had become from the moment he signed her. 

"I am so proud of you my love." He whispered as they entered the theatre.

"Thank you." She smiled before she started to lean in. "I love you." She whispered as her lips ghosted his.

"I love you more." He replied before closing the distance and kissing her softly. As they kissed in the lobby, they could feel eyes on them. But that is the thing about being a celebrity. They bring unwanted attention by the wrong people.

They had no idea that this would be the turning point in their lives. That everything from now will soon slowly fall apart.


The second chapter guys. Please let me know what you think.

Sᴛᴀʟᴋᴇʀ (Elizabeth Olsen X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now