Chapter 5

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It had been a couple of weeks since Lizzie had been away. Y/N had been busy with his meetings before he had an unexpected visit off Scarlett. He was sat at his desk as she entered and sat across from him with a smirk.

"People usually knock first." He teased her as she smirked.

"But I am not people am I?" She spoke cockily making him chuckle.

"What do you need Scar?" He asked her as he put his attention on her.

"I wanted to take my best friend out for dinner." She said as she stood up. "So come on. We have reservations." She told him as he just laughed at her. She dragged him up to his feet and dragged him out to her car.

"So you're kidnapping me now?" He teased her with a smirk as she just giggled.

"That I am." She said as they both laughed. It was refreshing for him to be out with a close friend especially when he is missing his wife.

The drive didn't take long to their favourite restaurant. Their lunch was like two old friends who had,'t seen each other in forever.

"So Rose is running rings around Colin." She told him about the children and her husband.

"We would have to have dinner again sometime soon." He suggested as she nodded in agreement.

"So when are you and Lizzie finally going to have a baby?" She asked him causing him to choke on his drink making her smirk.

"Wow. That is a question." He told her as she waited for an answer. "I guess we haven't really had a proper conversation about it. I know she wants kids and so do I. It's just the when." He told her honestly.

"Timing is everything." She agreed. "But you and Lizzie have been together for how long now."

"It feels like forever." He nodded as he reminisced over the years he had spent worshipping the woman.

"Well maybe when her career dies down." She suggested as Y/N just nodded in agreement.

He had dreamed of having his own family with his beloved wife. The two of them watching them grow up and have kids of there own.

They both felt eyes on them as they finished their lunch. It wasn't new to either of them since Scarlett is a big celebrity. And Y/N was used to it since he was married to Lizzie.

"We will definitely have to do this again Y/N." Scar said as they drove back to the office.

"We will Scar. Maybe a double date when Lizzie's home?" He suggested as she just nodded.

"That sounds awesome." She beamed as she stopped outside. He gave her a brief hug before he stepped out and walked up the steps of the building.

When he arrived at the office, he instantly sat in his chair. He sighed as he sat back with his eyes closed. He missed Lizzie so much and he has still got weeks until he sees her again.

"Sarah, book me a flight to New York." He ordered the receptionist. He was set on surprising his wife. He missed her dearly.

So when he had finished his day, he pushed all of his meetings back until he returned and rushed home to pack.

The black VW was there, watching as he got into an uber with a bag. He knew by the looks of things he was leaving too.

They had no idea what they were to do now. With both Lizzie and Y/N gone and he has no idea when they are both set to return.

Lizzie was sat in her hotel room with Jen. They were going over her schedule for the rest of the tour. Jen got a text from Y/N informing her of his arrival but to keep it from his wife. He wanted to see her face amd her eyes sparkle as he surprised her.

"So there isn't much left and you will be going home soon." She informed the actress as she started to gather her things.

"Where are you going?" Lizzie asked her.

"I have a zoom meeting with Y/N to see my progress and other things." She said as she turned back to Lizzie with her jacket on and bag over her shoulder. Truthfully she was going to meet Y/N and pick him up. "So you have a free day so relax. Nap or bath. Just relax for today Lizzie." She smiled at her softly before she left the room.

When Jen had left she had tried to call Y/N but it was going to voicemail. Then she remembered the meetings he had with Jen and others today.

So she decided to open a bottle of red and watch a movie as she relaxed in bed. After the movie she decided a bath would also be soothing so that was what she did.

So as she was soaking in the warmth of the bubbly water, Y/N was walking towards her room with the key card that Jen had given him. Lizzie heard the door open assuming Jen had returned.

"I'll be right out Jen." She shouted but before she could get a response the door opened.

"Or I could join?" Y/N spoke with a smile. Lizzie couldn't believe her eyes.

"You're here?" She whispered softly. He stepped towards her and kissed her softly before he stripped himself and got in behind her.

"I missed you." He whispered as she leaned into him. He was here with her and every worry she had had disappeared. She was in the arms of her husband. Her best friend and soul mate.


Another chapter for you guys. Please let me know what you think

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