Chapter 9

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After they had found the person on CCTV, it wasn't a clear enough picture to get a semi ID. So Y/N made sure that Lizzie remained in New York when she returned from Italy.

Of course she wasn't happy with Y/N's decision for her. Y/N was still in LA, wanting to get to the bottom of it, he kept saying to Lizzie he had back to back meetings and there was nothing he could do.

So Lizzie was sat with the twins in their office as they shown her their designs for the next season.

"I should call him. He hasn't called me all day." Lizzie stated as the twins shared a look. Y/N had told them about some of it but not the seriousness and that he didn't want to worry Lizzie.

"Maybe he is in a meeting Lizzie." MK told her softly.

"I know that but he usually texts me first thing too and he hasn't today." She told them.

"Maybe he forgot or his phone died." Ashley threw out there.

"He never forgets. That is one of the things I love about him." She told them as they smiled at her. They knew from the moment they met him, he was a good man. "I just need to hear his voice." She said as she started to cry. MK wrapped her arms around her as she cried as Ashley thought of something.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked Lizzie outright.

"No." Lizzie answered. "Why?"

"When was your last period?" She asked her. Lizzie calculated her cycle in her head.

"I'm late." She whispered. "I should have had it three weeks ago." She told them. MK disappeared into the bathroom and came back out with a test.

"You should do this. It's best to be sure." She told her softly. The couple had wanted kids of their own but neither thought it would be so soon. Especially considering of the danger.

"This is." Ashley started as Lizzie had left the room.

"I know but Y/N is sorting it out as we speak." MK told her. "I know he wouldn't want anything to happen to Lizzie, pregnant or not."

Before Ashley could say a thing, Lizzie came back with the test in her hands. She placed it down on the table before she sat back down in her seat.

"Now we wait." She whispered as the twins gave her soft smiles.

Lizzie was both excited and nervous about the result. She wanted a family with Y/N but with their work schedules both being hectic. The two travel a lot and that isn't entirely good for a child.

"You both will be fine Lizzie." Ashley told her. "I know that you two would have a family one day."

"But our careers?" She asked the two.

"Y/N's office has a day care centre and I am pretty sure that he will take on less clients." MK told her. "Also you are allowed to take a break from your career too."

"It's positive." Ashley whispered as she looked at the stick. Lizzie took a shaky breath as she looked at her sister.

"It's positive?" She asked her to confirm.

"It is." She handed Lizzie the stick. When Lizzie saw it, she smiled as she looked at the two lines. The idea of having a baby. A family of their own. What the two have always dreamed of.

"I'm pregnant." Lizzie smiled as she let the tears fall. "I have to tell Y/N." She said as she looked on her phone. Looking for flights back to LA.

"Nope." Ashley snatched the phone away from her. "He already said that when he is finished there, he is flying out here. To you so you can tell him then."

"Ashley." Lizzie scoffed as MK gave her younger sister's hand a squeeze.

"She is right Lizzie." MK started. "You can't fly and you need to see a doctor first."

"I have to tell him." Lizzie whispered as the twins nodded.


Y/N was pacing his office with the head of security and Detective Smith. All trying to find possible suspects.

"All I know is that there has been a black VW Golf. '98, '99 maybe." He said as he recalled the car that has been in their life since the premiere. "At first I thought nothing of it. Someone was visiting family or something but then the pictures."

"So we will try and get an ID on this vehicle and hopefully we can track it's owner." Smith said as he jotted down the information. "Just make sure Lizzie stays away until we get to the bottom of this ok."

Y/N nodded knowing it may be a hard task but he will stop at nothing to make sure that she is safe.

As the days passed, Y/N was getting more and more exhausted. He had even forgot to set the alarm when he returned home. So he soon settled on the sofa for the night. Not flinching at the sound of the back door opening quietly.

They watched him in the darkness with an evil glint in their eyes. A knife in their hand. Lizzie's favourite knife to be exact. Watching as Y/N fell asleep before they quietly took a seat in the chair beside the sofa. Wondering what he had that they didn't. Anger coursing through their veins.


Another chapter guys. This fic is also coming to an end soon. Please let me know what you think
Also the stew is brewing for the couple.

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