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Was he seriously standing in front of you right now? your ex-boyfriend Reiner? your reaction was very visible

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Was he seriously standing in front of you right now? your ex-boyfriend Reiner? your reaction was very visible. mouth open. eyes widened. She was standing like a statue. you weren't even sure you were breathing. to make matters worse Eren got bored sitting there and waiting and got up to see what was happening. Do you want to know who also doesn't like Reiner?

Eren fucking Yeager. when Reiner saw Eren come up behind you his eyes widened as well. Eren as soon as he saw Reiner made sure he knew that he was interrupting something. He wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer. "What are you doing here, Eren?" Reiner asked with a sinister tone. "I don't think you want all the details, but we were having a little fun" Eren looked at him with a smirk. your face was heating up feeling slightly embarrassed. "What are you doing here Reiner? We don't accept traitors over here in Paradis. but I know Marley would love to have you. "

you had to cover your mouth to hold in your laugh as you saw Reiner getting angrier by the second.

"y/n I knew you were" he paused and stared into your eyes and making you feel small and weak. "well a slut, but I didn't know you go for the community dick of the town".

you felt ready to cry. Reiner, he always did this to you. When you guys were together he degraded you to the point where you questioned everything you said, did, or wore. It was the lowest point in your life. all your friends tried to convince you to leave him and that he was destroying you. At first, you couldn't believe them. He warped your mind into thinking you could only be with him and he was the only reason you could be happy. ever. and you believe him. freshman year is when you and your parents started drifting. you felt alone and he used that to his advantage. summer before the junior year you cut it off. turns out he already had the next girl lined up. he was sneaking around with a girl that's in college now her name is Pieck Finger. he sent you videos and pictures of them fucking. He said he wanted to make you feel horrible that you weren't anything special. it completely broke you. He broke you. and seeing him here now. all the memories and all the feelings are rushing back. you wanted to ball up and cry.

"Watch your mouth, Reiner. 'cause you know I can beat your ass and I happily will if you keep moving your fucking gums". you were staring at the ground. trying not to cry in front of either of them. "Eren you're messing with the biggest player fucking around. she toys with your feelings. she makes you feel like you're important when in reality you're nothing to her. but if that's who you want to mess with. then be my guest. You'll regret it later" Reiner had a smug look on his face because he knew even without being with you he could still hurt. His words still affected you. Eren stood in front of you and slammed the door in Reiner's face.

Eren turned to see you heartbroken. You hated yourself. You could, making you feel small and weak. you couldn't believe you allowed him to grip your emotions like that. Eren could see the battle you were fighting inside. "You wanna talk about it?" you lightly shook your head no. Eren sighed lightly and, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around you and engulfed you in the hug. The side of your face hit his chest. You could feel the heat radiating off of him. His embrace was more than comforting. It was safe. The more you loosened into the hug the more the tears were fighting to fall from your eyes until they just fell. Eren didn't dare move while you cried into his chest. Whatever Reiner did to you he could see that it killed you and that it was still lingering. He understood why you had your guard up all the time. Why you didn't even pretend to be interested in others? It's because you were scared of getting hurt again. Eren knew what it felt like to be hurt like that. He knew what he had to do. He truly had to show you that he was different. Not just from everyone else but different from Reiner.

After about an hour of crying, you unwrapped yourself from Eren. you wiped your puffy eyes and your raw red nose. Eren placed a kiss on your forehead and gave him a small but sad smile back. "Sorry about this. I had no idea he would just fucking pop up. Your shirt is disgusting now I'm sorry". "Hey, not your fault. It's that dickhead Reiner's fault". You hugged him again missing his embrace. "T-thank you. For staying here with me" you stuttered out a little embarrassed. Eren looked down at you with the hugest smile on his face. He picked you up by your thighs. A small gasp leaves your lips. "I would never leave you alone in a state like that". His eyes look directly into yours. You placed a soft kiss on his. You placed both of your foreheads together. Soft smiles on both of your lips. At this moment both of you had the same thoughts and the same feelings in your hearts.

"Maybe we can be happy together."

a short chap

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a short chap. now we can get to real good stuff. hope y'all doing goood.

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