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𝟕:𝟑𝟎 𝐚.𝐦.

Today was the big rivalry game. Marley Academy vs. Paradi Academy. Both schools have been rivals before anyone could remember. the rivalry was stronger than ever this year. Reiner has been egging Eren on for weeks. Slick comments about y/n and his teammates. also Floch was acting like a dick the entire week. He was only excited about seeing you after school before the game. He hadn't seen you all week because your parents had finally come back from their trip. They walked in on you and Eren in the kitchen making brownies. You were in his shirt with only panties on under. Eren was shirtless and only in his briefs. Your mother nearly fainted and your stepfather Levi nearly killed Eren. He forbade Eren from coming back to the house or even in the neighborhood and you were on house arrest till further notice. The phone was being taken at night. You only could see each other when you passed through the hallways.

You were extremely excited to see Eren. You convinced your parents, mostly your mom, who convinced your stepfather to let you hang out with Hailey and go to the game with her. In reality, you'll be with Eren. Hailey has already been informed of the plan and she knows what to do.

While you walked down the hallway you saw Jolene on the phone with someone. As soon as she saw you the happy smile on her face dipped and was replaced with a scowl. You rolled your eyes at her and walked to your destination. You and Eren talked about your situation with Jolene for a while and you on your thought about it on your own. If Jolene wants to throw years of friendship away then that's on her. You tried to figure out the problem, but she doesn't wanna talk and you can't make her.

You were meeting Eren in the art room because he desperately need to give you something before the bell rang. The lights were off because the art teacher doesn't come until after the first block. When you walked Eren instantly pinned you against the door and crashed his lips onto yours. You melted under his touch. He pulled away with a final peck to your lips he could kiss forever. "I've missed you so goddamn much y/n" his hands had a tight grip on your waist as if you were going to run away from him. "I guess I missed you too." he playfully rolled his eyes and placed a kiss on your nose. "Wear this." Eren handed you a black jersey with the number 1 on it. "Aint this your jersey?" he nodded and you tried to conceal your smile. Reiner never even gave you his jersey to wear.

You slipped the jersey over our hoodie and it was still quite big on you, but you loved it.

"Thanks, Eren. We gotta go through or we are going to be late." right after you said the first bell rang indicating that it was time for everyone to make their way to their classes. You and Eren kissed one last time then went off to your classes.

 You and Eren kissed one last time then went off to your classes

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𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥

You waited outside on the school bench for Eren with Hailey. He was in a team meeting. He said they always had team meetings before home games. The coach wanted them to be in good spirits before the game. You told Hailey that Eren wouldn't mind giving her a ride home and even if he did no one cared what he wanted. While you two were talking about Eren giving you the jersey you both stopped when you saw Jolene starting to walk up to you guys.

Hailey looked up at her and then looked at you. You didn't have any energy to deal with her bullshit. Eren should be out any minute. You didn't even look at her even when she called your name. By the third time you looked up at her and her arms were crossed and she looked mad. Here we go again. "what up with you and Yeager? You messin' wit he biggest hoe in school now?" one of her eyebrows slid up looking you up and down. Your face was visibly distraught. Was this bitch seriously asking you that? "Nothing that concerns you." you blatantly said to her. "Don't be a bitch y/n." before you could say anything Hailey spoke up.

"You're one to fucking talk about being a bitch. Shouldn't you be on your hands and knees for you new nigga Connie?" Hailey stood up and said right in Jolene's face.

Jolene's face scrunched up and her eyes squinted. Then it was like something in the atmosphere changed. Jolene's sour face was replaced with "But I ain't the one pregnant with Boyd's fuck ass baby am I?" she asked with a sinister tone.

Your mouth involuntarily dropped open and your eyes wide. Hailey was starstruck. She looked like she was about to break down and cry. As you stood up to console her you heard laughter interrupt the silence. The three of you turned to see the whole boy's basketball team had just heard and watched the current scene unfold. Jolene looked back with the slightest hint of sadness on her face.

"You truly are a bitch Jolene," Hailey yelled following a punch to Jolene's face. This caught Jolene off guard allowing Hailey to grab a fist full of her hair and start swinging on her hair. Jolene started swinging back until Hailey threw her to the ground and just started to punch her even more. A circle was being developed around them by the basketball team with phones out at every angle. Jolene swiped Hailey off her feet so she fell to the ground and started pulling her hair and punching her. You knew this had to stop, especially if Hailey was pregnant. You pushed the boys aside and tried to pull the two apart. It wasn't till Eren had finally come out of the building and noticed the fight going on and helped you pull them apart they stopped.

"You're supposed to be my fucking friend! Didn't know the dick was so good you act like a brand-new fucking person! I told you because I thought you were my friend and this could bring us all together again but no your just a cold-hearted bitch! I promise you Jolene you ain't shit and neither is your new nigga!" Hailey told off Jolene before walking away. Leaving everyone speechless. You tried to follow her but she told you to fuck off and you did. You weren't mad cause you knew right now she was heartbroken and hurt. You looked back at Jolene who just walked away with Connie. Today you knew that your friendship with her was unredeemable. You couldn't have ever imagined Jolene doing something so vile but yet she did. It shows how someone you thought you knew could be someone so unexpected. Eren wrapped his arm around you and led you to the car where you hugged him for what felt like hours.

"It's ok y/n. I got you"

 I got you"

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lmao 💀. i actually didn't plan on doing that but i decided why not 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. anyways hope you enjoyed and  comment and vote if you want.

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