Chapter 12 (Final)

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Snerz and his whole army charge down the hill, heading straight towards the Hebrews. The people were screaming and panicking. Sam doesn't know what to do. Everyone are trapped, nobody could swim far through the red sea, and Guy doesn't have enough guards to defend because the rest of them joined on Snerz's side.

A cloud moves forward, making the sky turn dark. A ring of fire rise from the ocean and falls in front of Snerz and his guards, creating the wall of  fire to blocking their way. It looks like the God is protecting them, but the wall of fire won't last long.

Hebrews turned to Sam, wondering what he has to do now that Snerz won't get to them. Sam turns to face the ocean and has a feeling. He looked at the staff in his hands and he knows what to do. Sam walks to the giant rock, climbed up the ledge to get a little high, and faces the sea.

Sam raised his staff up and feels a wind blowing in his face. He can feel God is still with him, giving him the power to get across the sea. "With this staff, you shall do, my wonders!" With the power of the God, Sam spread his arms out and like what he did, the Red Sea also were spread out. Everyone stares in amazed.

Sam jumps down to face Guy who was wondering if a crossing through the open path of the Red Sea is safe. Like Sam could read his mind, he nodded. Guy smiled and single everybody to move and it's okay.

Hebrews walks straight in the path through of the open sea. They also leaves their wagons behind because of the rocky path. Most light up their torches so they walk in the dark. They could even see a whale swimming  by. Some were scared or frighten. EB holds on to her mother, feeling afraid. "Mom, I'm scared." Michellee confer her daughter and said softly while holding her frightening son, "I know. It's okay." Pinkie also hugging her son, knowing he would be scared too.

Sam helps the elder woman to get down and let her to catch up to the others. He then noticed the ring of fire dies out, which means the fire wall also died out.

Snerz sees a opening Red Sea, meaning the slaves went through there. Glaring hard, Snerz pulls out his sword, and shout out a war cry as he and his guards charged towards the opening.

The guards in their chariots runs to the area where no wheels can get by and crashes in, tossing the riders off, including Snerz, causes their horses to running around.

"Don't just stand there! Kill them! Kill them all! And bring me Sam's head!" Snerz ordered. Soldiers pulling out their swords and chase after the Hebrews.

Sam stares afraid, knowing his people are in danger. "The soldiers! They're coming!" Sam cried. Hebrews ran ahead, hurrying up ahead. Sam ran up to catch up with everyone. But the men are gaining on him.

Guy looked behind him and saw Sam in danger. He then remembered his dreams. Guards running through the Red Sea and Snerz slice Sam's head. Guy shook his head, not letting this vision happen. "I'm coming, Sam!" Guy called, running back and taking one of the soldier's sword with him. "Guy, be careful!" Michellee cried.

"The shore!" A man shouted, pointing at the ocean opening a light and everybody runs towards it. Sam hurried to get to his people. He made a mistake to look back and saw the guards are getting closer to him. Guy ran in front of Sam, protecting him, and ready to fight the guards.

Sam knows that Guy can't fight these men by himself. He'll get both of them kill. Sam looks up and saw a waves falling down above them. "Guy, we've got to go! Now!" Sam yelled and dragged his brother away. The waves knocks away all of the soldiers and Snerz, sending him on a rocky land.

Hebrews, Am-Is, and I-Ams managed to get away in time, just as the sea closed. Sam who is last one and escapes looks around to see if Guy's around. But he doesn't see him.

Sam looked back at the Red Sea, afraid that Guy didn't make it. "Guy! Where are you!?" Sam called, hoping his brother is alright. No response. "Guy!" Sam calls again. EB joined in the call. "Guy! Can you hear me!" No answer. "Dad!" Again, no reply.

"No, no God, please! Guy can't be..." Sam couldn't finish his sentence before he broke into a cry. "No! No, Guy! Don't leave me, please!" Michellee sobbed and got down on her knees and cry. She couldn't believe she lost another of her husband. EB and Junior cries of the lost of their father and Jenkins cries of the loss of his uncle. Everybody greaves the death of their beloved Pharaoh who took care of them.

A cough got to everyone's ears as they look up. Someone survived. But who?

A hand reached out and grabbed the ground. Everybody watched as someone pulling themselves up. A man pulled up and that man happens to be Guy, with a flerz on his hat.

So happy that Guy's alive, the people are so glad and relief as Michellee and EB with Junior in her arms ran to him and hugged him hard. Guy hugged his family back. Pinkie with Jenkins in her arms hugged her brother-in-law in relieved. Guy hugged her and his nephew.

The Pharaoh pulled her back and turned to Sam. With tears of happiness in his eyes still pouring, Sam ran to his brother and hugged him. Guy hugged him back. "I thought you were dead." Sam sobbed on his shoulder. Guy rubbed the back of his little brother's head to calm him and whispered, "It's okay. I'm here."

Pulling back, Sam looked at the sea, wondering if Snerz survive. Even he did, he's all alone, with no one.

Snerz, sitting all by himself on a rocky ledge. He has no one. He lost his subjects, his advisors, his magicians, his son, and his kingdom. "Sam!" Snerz shouted out of his lungs.

Sam keeps looking at the ocean. He could even hear Snerz shouting his name. "Sam!" Sam shook his head lightly and said, "Goodbye, my friend." Felt someone place a hand on his shoulder, Sam looked behind him and sees Guy. "Let's go." Sam nodded and began to continue the journey.

Free people walking up the hill, celebrating their freedom and Sam is here, with his brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, wife, and son.

Pinkie said, "Sam, look. Look at your people. They're free." Guy said, "Your mother would've been so proud of you, as I am right now." Sam smiled at both of his love ones and looked up ahead. Sam-I-Am, born as a Hebrew, raised in Egyptian royals, and a messenger of God saved his people from the terrible faith, and leading them to a promise land.

Weeks passes and during their journey, they come apon a tent where Sam, Pinkie, and Jenkins lives. Everyone else joined in the journey through the desert.

After a long walk and breaks, they finally made it to a promise land and rebuild a kingdom. Sam and Guy who is the new king of the new land looked at all of their happy people as they beginning starting their new lives.

Now, all of the Hebrews are safe and freed. Cause they all know that their God is always there, watching, within your hearts.

The End

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