Ch. 4 Our Cruel Punishments

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Hayden and his group haven't made it to class yet. It's been thirty minutes since our second period has started. The door opens up and the secretary walks into the room.

"Katie Alder the principal needs you in her office."

I haven't done anything wrong. So, why am I being called to the office?

Just breathe Katie.

It'll be okay.

I get up from my table and follow the secretary to the office. The whole time my mind is wandering why I'm being summoned to her office.

When I walk into the principal's office, it's just Hayden there.

Now what?

"Take a seat Katie. You aren't in trouble."

I do as I'm told and take the seat next to Hayden.

"Hayden's punishment for what he has done...." She pauses.

Hayden doesn't even look up from his lap.

"Is for the whole semester..... He is to join the constellations club and you are to be his mentor through out his punishment. He's also to become a tutor so, I'll need you to make sure he's on the bus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe with some positive energy next to him..... He might change the road he's going down." She explains.

My blood runs cold. No matter how many times I say 'just breathe Katie' in my head. It isn't working this time.

"Mrs. Ellis. That's punishment for the both of us."

My outburst surprises Mrs. Ellis, Hayden, and myself. Before they could even speak up again. I compose myself.

"Sorry. Yes ma'am. May I take my leave now?" I ask.

"You may. Have a good day Katie." She says.

I scurried through out the office like Satan is busting through The Gates Of Hell after me. I am only in the office for ten minutes which isn't bad. However, I don't plan on going back into that office. Being in the office makes my neck feel like I'm getting strangled. Like the air is being restricted from my lungs. Like I'm drowning in five inches of water. I don't like any of those feelings. So, no I don't plan to go back in there ever again.

As I make my way into my classroom and back to my seat. Hayden comes busting through the doors with a very, I mean very, hateful and mad expression on his face.

Is he going to go on a killing spree?

Hopefully not!

I'm not ready to die just yet!

He slams his chair back into the table behind us and plops down on his chair. When he scoots his seat back up at our table; he lays his head on our table and completely ignores the teacher.

"You know it's rude to not participate when it's both our grades on the line." I mumble.

"Live a little Katie. One bad grade won't fucking kill you. Geez!" He snaps.

"No need to be hateful." I whisper.

"We aren't doing anything important besides learning new terms. Which I already know the answers too. Like you should. You won't fail, you tight wad." He grumbles into his arm.


Aren't you rainbows and sunshine there Groucho Pants.

We don't talk the remainder of the class which I'm highly thankful for. At times I can see the old Hayden but today it's strictly the Hayden he has been all these years. If I think he's a miracle either I need glasses or his miracle is really, I mean, really deep down inside him. This is going to take longer than I realized.

Do I even have that much time left?

It's okay Katie.

Just breathe.

As soon as the bell rings, he's the first one out the door. He didn't even wait for his group. He just shot out of his seat and high tailed it out of here. It's now lunch time so most the student head for the cafeteria. I don't because I always pack my lunch. The school's lunch looks like an alien burped it out. Mine happens to be healthier or so Papa says.

I walk out the side door beside the cafeteria and head towards my favorite tree. I pull out my steak sandwich with arugula. It's pretty much steak with bell peppers and onions fried of course, with cheese on focaccia bread with baby arugulas on it. I place my sandwich on my lap and grab out my water bottle. I'm eating in peace until the doors slam open and loud commotions follow behind. My peace went out with the wind. Hayden and his group come out cussing and screaming over, I am guessing their punishment.

"It's bullshit!" Preston yells out.

"You! Have you seen my damn punishment! At least you all got a fucking slap on the wrist!" Hayden snaps.

"I forgot you're stuck with the nun all semester." Remy says with a chuckle.

I was halfway through my lunch but now I lost all my appetite. I get up to throw my trash away when Collin slaps everything in my hands. Completely out of my hands and onto the ground and my shoes. One person can only take so much. I don't even pick up my trash, I turn on my heels and walk off from the group with tears in my eyes.

"Awe you're making her cry." Dina laughs out.

"Oh God don't do that! Her dad will send us all to hell." Kellie cackles.

"Katie!" Hayden yells out.

I don't stop I just keep moving forward. Once I get into my car, I put it in reverse. As I'm backing out of my spot; Hayden is on the sidewalk running. I put it in drive and leave school property. While Hayden is still running down the sidewalk. I make the ten minute drive back home. Papa isn't home, he's at the church practicing his Sunday Morning Sermon. I strip out of my clothes and into my pajamas. I curl up under my blanket and begin to drift off to sleep.

Today must have worn me out more than I thought.

When Papa comes home, he brought me some chicken noodle soup for dinner. He could see on my face just how much I am not feeling well.

The following Monday I didn't go to school, Papa didn't make me either. I laid around in bed and nursed my 'sickness' the best I could. Still I didn't feel any better so I didn't go to school for the remainder of the week. Friday when 2:30 comes bouncing around I am still in my silky pink pajamas and my fuzzy pink robe. My feet are toasty in my house shoes. When the door bell rings, I figure it would be the mailman so I open it. To my surprise it isn't the mailman. It isn't the milkman. It isn't anyone for dad.

It is Hayden.

How does he even remember what house was mine?

"Yes?" I ask in a whisper.

"You weren't in school all week so, I brought all your school work." Hayden says while offering me the ton of work I have missed.

"Thanks." I tell him as I step back into the house to close the door.

"Katie, about last week." He starts to say.

"Don't worry about it Hayden. Thanks again for my work. Go home." I tell him in a neutral voice.

He steps backwards down our stairs as I close the door.

Just breathe Katie.

It will be okay.

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