Epilogue: Through those Ten Years (Hayden's POV)

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Ten year, it last all of ten years. Through the ten years that I had her with me on Earth. We managed to cry, laugh, love, and broaden our brains. Through those ten years; we were blessed with our four miracles. She had our first born, Wyatt, in 2006. The pregnancy was a little rough on her. But, she refused to abort. It's against what we believe in. We let faith play in God's hands. A year and half later after Wyatt was born, we were blessed with Paisley. She entered this world at the end of December in 2008. This pregnancy was a little rough on her like Wyatt was. Still we let our faith in God play out. In 2010, Pierce was born. He entered the world two months early. We thought we would lose our third blessing before we could enjoy it. After staying in the hospital for a few weeks, he came home healthy as ever. This pregnancy seemed the be the worst of the three. Her health weakened, but she refused to let me get my balls cut. She wanted to have children even if it could kill her in the end. She wanted me to have a piece of her until my dying breath. What she didn't understand was even if we didn't have our miracles; I still had a piece of her in my heart. I would carry her in there for the rest of my life. In 2012, we had our last bundle of joy. Wednesday was born. She was a little over due but came out healthy. This pregnancy seem to be the easiest for her. But, all of the pregnancies you can tell were taken more and more of her to fight to stay alive.

We ended up buying our own place in 2009. A farm on the outside of town. It was a six bedroom farmhouse with the wrap around porch that she loved so much. Everything in this house is still how she left it. The paint is the same, the furniture is still in the same place, her clothes are still placed in their spots. Hell, even her shoes are by the door. Her Arabian horse, Asher, she's had since Christmas of 2005; he's still kicking it to this day.

I've graduated college five years ago. Four years earlier than I should. I got my degree and became a forensic psychologist. I study the mind of serial killer for the FBI. Life was going well for us, she would have her occasional health scares; but she always managed to pull through. Two years after Wednesday was born; is when we all lost our bright star in the sky. On June 19th 2014, Katie passed away. She beat the statistics on her survival rate by five extra years. I believe it was because she had four blessings to try to fight for. I believe she gave up the fight to live when she realized she had given me enough pieces of her to last me until my last breath.

It's been a year without her with us. The time doesn't get easier, I drive by our favorite places as teenagers and it hit me each time. When the fair comes into town each year, it hits me just as hard. It's hard losing your best friend, your love, your soulmate, your wife but when I look at our kids. I thank god above for blessing me with these four miracles. Wyatt is our 9 rambunctious year old. Paisley is our 7 year old that reminds me each day of her mother. She loves the constellations just as much as she did. Pierce is our dare devil 5 year old. This boy will give me more gray hairs than I need at 32. He'll climb a fifteen foot tree just to see how far he can jump. Like I said before, he's our date devil child. Wednesday is our talkative 3 year old. She's mischievous, she likes to doodle on our walls. Dump soap in your shoes. Throw mud in your hair kind of little girl. So in reality I have my hands full with these four. Each night before bed all four always ask to hear a story about their mom. I have many to give throughout my life time to never tell the same story twice.

I just crossed our town line two seconds ago. I've been out of town for a two week work trip. Apparently killers don't care if we have children or a life: they kill and go on their merry ways. They sent me to a small town in Washington because a serial killer was killing elderly people. Our parents, both, have been keeping our children. I don't get sent away a lot; only once every few months. The most I have been gone is honestly just two weeks. I'm ready to see our children and let them tell all their stories. Because they never seem to run out of them either.

I stop by our favorite spot by the lake. They built a pier our senior year. Late at night you would find us on our bench looking out into the water. I come here after a work trip just to feel her presence. It pushing the horrid things I've seen and witnessed away like the wind cleansing my soul. I park into our usual spot and get out of my three roll seater SUV. I wasn't about to driving around town in a minivan. This was the next best thing when you have four mongrels running around.

Our small town planted a memorial garden near the pier. It has her favorite bible versus written like the paper from the Ten Commandments. It's in stone right in front of a 15 foot beautiful stoned Angel. The stoned paper says 'In loving memory of a bright and beautiful soul Katrine "Katie" Morgan Alder-Huxley. She was taken to be with the lord at a young age. She's gone but she's truly never forgotten. Her favorite bible versus says volumes.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." -Corinthians 13:4-8'

I walk by the stoned Angel and pat her left wing. As I make it to our bench, I noticed they placed a new memorial label on the bench.

'Katrine "Katie" Morgan Alder-Huxley'

I watch as the wind makes tiny waves in the water. The wind kisses my cheek and I immediately think of Katie. I sit in the silence of the wind for a little while before I decide to go pick up our children. As I walk to my vehicle, I have a habit of twirling my wedding band around my ring finger. As leave our spot and head for our children. When I pull up to her old house; all four of our children come barreling to me. Each one talking a mile a minute which causes our parents and I to burst into laughter. The wind blows and kisses my cheek again. My thoughts immediately run to Katie, like she's here with us. Laughing with us. I know she's our Angel from above always looking over us, protecting us, and loving us beyond her grave. I twirl my wedding band again and breath in the fresh air.

Just breath Hayden.

It'll be okay.

The end🙃😢

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