Ch. 15: Comets

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The minor set back happened to be my health. A small cold just simply wiped away what energy I had stored. On the plus side, my illness is still in remission. My papa feared it was my illness that caused me to pass out. I just happened to be dehydrated and weaker than I thought. I'm on bed rest for the next few days until I have my strength back. I'll be back on my feet before the comets make their entrance. That's what I am honestly excited for. Comet Cardinal will be here in exactly three days. I'll get to see it if Hayden doesn't go all Hulk on me and tape me to my bed. I don't think he would but we are talking about Hayden here. He gets a little over dramatic at times. Like a few weeks ago, I screamed over a spider. Hayden came into the room like his feet were on burning coals with a baseball bat. Than again he is also the one who threw a book at a spider that was across the room. He screams when his favorite team misses their point. I swear he is going to blow a blood vessel in his brain. He isn't always over dramatic. He's also funny as ever and can get anyone to laugh or smile. He's also clumsy but don't tell him that. Hell blame it on whatever it was that tripped him. He has the even balance to him.

"Hayden. I want to see the comet when it comes." I suddenly say.

This breaks him from his school work he's doing at my desk.

"I don't know Katie. You don't have your strength back yet." He replies with concern.

"I'll have it back by Monday. I'm on bed rest until then." I comment back.

"Katie. You don't want to use what little strength you have do you? How will you even know you'll have it back. You'll be in bed for the next few days anyways. You can't get strength back from laying in bed." He replies.

"Aha! See, that just shows I have to get out of bed to build strength." I fire back.

"So much determination for a small one." He laughs out.

"Just stating facts." I fire right back.

"More like opinions but yeah we will go with that one." He chuckles out.

"Please!" I beg like a toddler.

"We'll see how you feel Monday. Deal?" He tries to compromise.

"Deal." I say while sticking two thumbs up.

"Get back to our school work. We can't have you failing." He says while chucking an eraser at me.

I begin to do my school work that I had completely forgotten about since I was daydreaming about comets.

Dinner arrives and afterwards Hayden falls asleep on my window sill bench. Papa kisses my forehead and walks out of my room. Well, not before making sure Hayden is covered with the blanket that fell off him. As you can see Papa love Hayden. And obviously since my incident, he hasn't left my side. Papa lets him sleep on my window sill bench just in case something was to change. Both of them worry too much. It'll give them wrinkles and grey hairs if they keep this up. I finally drift off to sleep.

When Monday comes, I'm quite literally bouncing on my toes. The comet will be here right after midnight. Technically it'll be early Tuesday morning when it shows but it's Monday to me.

"Can you walk to the door without getting winded?" Papa asks.

I stand up on my wobbly legs and begin to take slow steps towards my door. Once I reach my doorway papa and Hayden both have big grins.

"How about we eat some breakfast?" Papa asks.

"Can you get down the stairs?" Hayden questions.

"Yes to both your questions. Let's go." I say with a bright smile.

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