Ch. 13: Winter Festival

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New Year's Eve went with a bang. Schools started back a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago we got word of ur winter formal. Just grand. I don't go to these things but I know a certain someone who always has. This means I have a week to get my dress. How can you be modest in the formal dresses nowadays? What exactly am I supposed to wear? A nun outfit?! Papa has given me money to dress shop but I don't even know what to get. Hayden promised to take me shopping today. He will be also getting his tuxedo today as well. He said he'll get it after I decide what dress I'll get. He wants to make sure we match to a tee. This boy I swear. Just like he promised the doorbell rings exactly at noon.

"Katie! Hayden is here!" Papa yells from the front room.

"Coming! I promise!" I yell from my bedroom.

"Don't break your neck running down those blasted stairs!" Papa yells back.

I take off down the stairs and by the time my right foot hits the landing my left foot hits the back of my right. I stumble into the back of my papa instead of the floor.

"Those stairs are going to be the death of you." Papa grumbles.

"Sorry." I apologize with the biggest puppy dog eyes.

Hayden and I walk to his car.

"Buckle up. Don't speed. Be careful. Have fun." Papa calls out from the door.

We drive down the street and head to the shop that's twenty minutes away. When we get inside my eyes become huge. All these dresses are so dang gorgeous. We have spent hours searching the tons of dresses on the racks. I haven't found one I like yet. That is until my eyes land on a Cinderella met Belle dress. The sleeves fall off the shoulders like Belle's dress. The neckline is a sweetheart neckline. The dress is a deep blue princess ball gown. The top half has tons of silver rhinestones glittering most of it. The rhinestones descend down the dress.

This is the one.

I pull it off the rack and head towards the dressing room. As soon as it is laced up on me; I fell in love for the second time in my life. This is the dress. I walk out and show Hayden who has a bright smile on his face.

"You like it?" He asks.

"No...... I love it!" I respond.

The dress doesn't need to be altered any. It fits my frame like a glove. I place it back on its hanger and the lady take it to the front for me. Now it is Hayden's time to find a tuxedo. Hayden has been searching for a tuxedo for the past hour. He hasn't found a single one that would work with my dress. Finally as he moves a tuxedo back; a deep blue, the same color as my dress, tuxedo is in view. He grabs it off the rack and brings it to the front. He doesn't even try it on. How?! When she rings up both of them it totals out to be 1300 dollars. Hayden hands her his card before I can object to pay for my own.

We have to go pick out our boutonnière and corsage. When we walk through the door, the flower aroma hits us in the face. We search through all of them until our eyes land on calla lilies and baby breaths. The lady makes ours on the spot. We each have one lily and several baby breaths. The ribbon is the same color as our outfits. He pays for them as well. Which costed 100 dollars.

Our last stop is our shoes. Since it's a formal he needs dress shoes while I need heels.

Oh boy!


We walk in and he guides me to the ladies section. We find the silver heels and look through them. The ones that catch my eye the most are too expensive. Before I can protest, Hayden already grabs my size and begins to walk to the men's section. Those are 1300 dollar Jimmy Choo Neena 100 Silver leather chunky heels. They're 1300 dollars! He grabs a black pair of Dior dress shoes. They cost 1000 dollars.

Holy cow!

He's spending too much money!

He pays for our shoes and it totals out to be 2500 dollars. Again, that's too much! Each time I protest, he just places his hand over my mouth and shushes me. He always does this when I go to protest again whatever he's about to do. For instance buying everything. Another instance for missing school when I'm sick.

Winter formal has arrived and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pooping my pants right now. My hair has been styled in an elegant bun. For once I have went to a makeup artist and had my makeup done. They didn't use a lot of product on me. Just a tinted moisturizer, bronzer, blush, highlight, my brows got done, and mascara. So barely anything really got put on my face but still the small amount made me look unrecognizable. I had to take three looks in the mirror to make sure I was seeing correctly. To make sure I was seeing myself. To say I was stunned is definitely an understatement. Now is time for me to get into my gown and heels. I slip the dress up and my papa walks in afterwards to tie me into my dress. I sit on my bed to put my too expensive for me heels on. I just hope I don't bust my face open in these death traps. By the time my last strap is buckled on my heel, the doorbell rings. Papa walks downstairs to answer the door.

"Katie your date is here!" Papa yells.

"I'm coming!" I scream back.

"For the love of everything holy please don't break your neck coming down those stairs." Papa yells back at me.

"I'm moving like a turtle I doubt I'll break my neck just yet." I call back.

I slowly descend the stairs. One hand is on the railing while the other is lifting the bottom of my gown up. When I reach Hayden I drop my gown. He hands me his boutonnière for me to pin on his tuxedo. He gently places my corsage on my wrist. Papa takes several pictures of us doing this. He also takes even more pictures of us before we leave for the formal. We finally get to leave after thirty minutes of picture taking from papa. We travel the short distance to the winter formal. It's being held at a small castle on the outskirts of town. It gives off a princess feel to it. When we enter they take our pictures right then and there. Hopefully they turned out well because they gave us no warning. Hayden guides me to the dance floor that's already packed full of students. You and Me by lifehouse is playing.

"Dance?" Hayden asks.

"I might be really bad at it." I reply.

"It's okay. I'll lead just follow my steps." He says with care in his voice.

We slowly begin to move to the music. Each step forward I take; I step on his expensive shoes. Oh goodness those things will be worn down to the sole by the time this songs over. I can't dance and that includes slow dancing. His poor shoes!

Just breathe Katie.

It'll be okay.

New chapter will be up on Saturday or Sunday. This is all the chapters I have edited so far. I just have to edit 7 more than she will complete and published. ❤️

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